Her steps toward Neverland.

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We're all one big family. One day, we'll be adopted. We live in an orphanage, but I want to stay forever.

"Owen... Owen!" His vision blurred, but he looked over. There Percy stood, shaking Owen's arm. His hair was soft as snow, covering his eyes with the loose fluffs. "You awake yet? Breakfast is ready soon!" He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.

"Mmm.. Good morning, Percy!" His usual excited self sprang up after rubbing his eyes.
He was the oldest, smart and cheerful. He always looked out for his siblings.
"Owen!" Yelled a brunette, pushing the breakfast cart through the hallway. She lifted one hand off to wave, pausing for a second.
"Oh, good morning Spidey!" He grinned, still sleepy. He rubbed his fabric white sleeve against his eye, stretching as he made his way through the hallway.
"Good morning, Owen!"
"Owen! Taaag!!" A smaller kid yelled, whacking Owen on the back lightly. "Whooah! Geez, you!" Mohwee stood with a smirk, tapping his foot with his arms crossed.
"Haven't learned your lesson, eh goggle boy? I'M GONNA GET YOUUU!" Owen teased, yelling and chasing after the giggling child.
Graecie shuffled her apron, moving to the side as Mohwee was tagged. He immediately tagged Owen back, but stopped to greet mother. They quietly tagged each other back and forth whilst conversing with mom.
"Good morning, my darling children!" She raised a hand to her mouth, chuckling. "I see you two are excited for exam studies today."

"Mhm! Super excited!" Exclaimed Owen with a wide grin. She reached her hand down, running her fingers through Owen's hair then placing both hands behind his ears. They made eye contact with one another, Owen's grin widening.

Percy walked down the hall, ringing a bell. "Breakfast! Come on!" They waved, stopping as they turned to watch Mohwee run past, Owen running after him. Graecie chuckled, walking over to Percy with a thank you.


"Good morning, my darling children! I am happy to see that all 28 of you are safe and sound here in this household. Now, let us thank everyone that helped prepare this meal." The children put their hands together, shouting happily as their voices blended. "Thank youuu!"

Squidney sat beside mother, leaning forwards to taste the soup off the tip of her silver spoon. "Yowch!" She flinched, dropping it into the broth, downing a sip of her water. "Heheh, too hot for ya, Squiddo?" Her friend Spidey teased, also making sure she was alright. "A bit! It burnt my tongue, that hurt! But I'll be fine. I've always been able to get better."

Owen got up, wiping his mouth with a napkin. He brought his dish to the cart, setting it on the pile of bowls that was ever so slowly increasing minute by minute. Bek waved, holding a ball. "Hey! Owen! How about you join me in a game of toss?" His eyes scanned over, catching a series of numbers that slid out from beneath her bookcase cuffed shirt. 155326. "Oh, yeah sure! Let me just wash up first."

He stepped out into the clearing, where Bek was waiting, a ready stance taking form by her. "What 'cha want to bet this time?" She said with a determined smirk. They normally placed bets on who would drop the ball first. And although she lost only a tad bit more frequently, Bek never lost her determined spark, and confident grin.

He walked across the field, shoulders relaxed. His chin lifted up with the swirling breeze, his puzzled face.
"How about I make my bet first? If you lose, you'll guide the weekly plays on your own. You'll write the script." She giggled, spinning the rubber ball on her finger.
"Oh yeah? Well, you're on!" He pointed towards the girl standing across the area, who smirked. She tilted her face downwards, her smirk curling creepily up the sides of her face as the sky in her eyes narrowed with the sides of her eyes.

"That's what I'm talking about, Owen! Bring it on. Tell me, what's your side of the deal?"
He stretched, chuckling. "Well, little Swan Adell. If I win, you have to climb trees with me for a month!"
Bek scoffed, then shrugged. "Sure, I'll agree. This'll be fun!"
Kyle ran over, waving. "Hey Bek! Hey Owen! Playing catch again?"
Bek stood there, mustering up more of her courage. She did warm ups, stretching her arms out.
"Oh! Hey Kyle, yeah! Do you think you could be our referee? Incase Bek decides to break the rules, haha."
"Ball referee! Sure sure. Let me just.."
Kyle ran over to the lone tall tree that shaded days of playtime. He looked around for loose sticks.
There were a bunch of short, skinny ones. Some were loose fallen off branches.
He looked around the tree, circling it and searching.
"Woah, this is perfect!" He lifted up a long, widdled stick. It had etched engravings upon it's smooth light surface. It smelled of a strong scent of pomegranate nectar and the fresh warm amber. Reminded him of the early days.
He got lost in thought for apparently too long.
"Kyle! What's taking you so long?" Bek waved, lifting an eyebrow. The other one lifted, and she huffed in frustration. Owen laughed, then looked away after her glare struck his face.

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