Fence that stretched miles - Prologue

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Clouds hung high, strung up over our happy home. The brunette sighed, leaning back and flipping a page.

"Owenn!! Owen!" Yelled a kid, running up the hill. His goggles swayed wildly from his neck. He'd lean over to catch his breath. His shorter friend Oeca followed, panting. "There's a big wall! Mohwee wants to climb it, we wanted to know if you knew anything about it?"

Owen placed his bookmark into his book, closing it then focusing on the two. "Well, let me put this inside first. Then, we'll check it out together!" Mohwee smirked, crossing his arms. "Better not take too long, or I'll climb it without you." Oeca nodded, taking Mohwee's side with a smirk, his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be right back!" Owen laughed, running towards the house. While Mohwee sounded like he was joking, Owen knew for a fact that he was serious. "Although, I wonder what they meant by wall...." He shrugged it off,

(delete this bit in the official publishing you silly goose)

-insert intro here of the yellow leaf thing flying in front of the sign ueueue-

"Hehe, you can't catch me!" "Can too!" One kid chased after the other through the hallway, the two of them giggling with wide smiles on their faces. "Can't." The short girl said with a grin, determined to win this game. Her most notable feature was the paper crown on her head, which was neatly folded by mother.

"Can too-!" The tagger almost lost her balance, standing back up on her two feet with a wave. "Hi, Owen! Want to play tag with us?" 

The tall boy turned with a smile, kneeling down. He rubbed the girl's head near her goggles. "Sorry, not right now, Squidney. I promise I will later!" She sighed, then spread her arms open and hugged him. "Okay! Just promise me you will, alright?" She extended a pinky with a grin. "Ooo, me too, me too!" Spidey joined in, smiling widely. Owen sat on the floor, wrapping both of his pinkies around the both of theirs.

"I promise." He said, with a grin. "Yay!!" The two girls shouted in sync, excitement as they giggled after Squidney tagged Spidey. "Awhh!! I'm gonna get 'cha!" Yelled Spidey, running after her.

He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck then checking the grandfather clock that hung on the wall. He made quick time with getting to his room, and setting the book on his bed.


"Look, look! Owen's here!" Said the kid wearing a brim straw hat. The other boy, Mohwee, had been feeling the wall with his hand, his goggles swaying as he walked. He seemed frustrated.

Owen stared up at the wall, eyes widening as he walked closer.

He put a hand on it to feel the smooth, cool cement wall. This was built sturdy. "This is strange... But mom said it's dangerous." "Yeah, right." Mohwee scoffed, rolling his eyes. he stomps a foot on the ground. "How is THIS dangerous? It's a WALL."

"Mohwee, it could be the thing protecting us from whatever is there." But, it was a bit weird. The other side seemed quiet. That, or the wall is just that thick.

That... Seemed to stick with me to this day. What is that wall? What is it really keeping us from that's so dangerous?

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