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"i'm completely fine"

"you're bleeding to death"

"well atleast i still have my mana with me"

"is that supposed to be worse than dying?"


"you're dying!"

"i'm not dying!"

"you clearly are!"

"maybe later!"

"what do you mean 'maybe later' ???"

Kuramochi felt his left eye twitch, the two idiots have been yelling at each other for a while now while they were waiting for the medical team to arrive and honestly he is really tempted to kick their asses if it weren't for sawamura bleeding from his wound

what's surprising is how sawamura is able to argue back with miyuki in his situation, how is he not fainting from blood loss yet?

"sawamura shouldn't you be saving your energy?" ryousuke asked

the brunette groaned "shouldn't someone get the feather to Chris-san?" he replied

then sawamura felt a heavy pain on his head, ryousuke just gave him a head chop

"watch your tone sawamura" ryousuke glared down at him

sawamura stared in fear at ryousuke and replied "y-yes sir"

ryousuke grinned "good"

"but he does have a point, someone should get the feather to chris-senpai or else all of this will be useless" miyuki said

relief flooded miyuki when the medical team arrived, they assessed the situation and went to check on sawamura, luckily no vital organs were severely damaged but he's still bleeding.

the thought still lingered in sawamura's mind, he never realized that his blood was so valuable, his parents never said anything like such to him either since he was a little boy

"tetsu's going back with the feather, after we rest up we'll also be on our way by foot" jun said

everyone agreed, they could really use some rest right now.

"sawamura this might hurt, he have to stitch up the wound so please bear with it" one of the medical staff said

"i thought you guys have something to numb the pain?" the brunette asked

the one holding the needle chuckled "we're not in a hospital, we are equipped with on field treatment so just bear with it okay?" he said

sawamura gulped, he didn't even realize he clutched on to miyuki's shirt in the process.

miyuki didn't even attempt to pull away, he just stayed there right beside sawamura while he rubbed his back and whispered words of comfort while they worked on the wound

they also ignored the gagging kuramochi in the corner of their eye.

after they were done sawamura sighed, it still hurts but atleast the bleeding stopped.

then it hit him, a wave of nausea washed over sawamura and before he knew it everything went black.

"sawamura??" miyuki gently slapped sawamura's cheeks in attempt to wake him up, he sighed when the younger male was just sleeping

"adrenaline must have left him, masuko can you carry him?" ryousuke asked

the large male nodded and replied with an "uga!"

"Actually i don't think he can" kuramochi said as he pointed towards sawamura "even in his sleep he's still clutching on to miyuki like his life depends on it" he said

they all turned to miyuki who just rolled his eyes, staring down at the sleeping and also bloody sawamura "i'll take care of this idiot, so don't worry" he said

again he ignored the gagging kuramochi in the corner.

When sawamura woke up he found himself in his apartment, he took a moment to take in his situation and guessed they were finally home and somebody put him in his bed.

at the side of his bed was a wooden stool, there sat a bowl of water and a towel

he winced when he tried to sit up, lifting up his shirt he finds that the stitches from his wound was still there

on his kitchen table were a bunch of gifts and flowers with notes that says 'get well soon' and 'wish you well'

now one question remains, who's been looking after him while he was asleep?

"you're awake! finally! they said you would wake up sometime today"

wait...he knew that voice

when he turned to the direction of the voice he guessed right, wakana smiled at him

well that answers the last question.

"seriously! you should've been more careful, your parents had to send me all the way here because they couldn't come here themselves" she yelled

sawamura tilted his head to the side "why can't they be here?" sawamura asked

wakana pressed her lips into a thin line then replied "some clan business came up, they wanted to say they were really sorry and they'll try to communicate as soon as possible"

"i see" sawamura said "i should probably send a thank you gift to the guild, they've done a lot for me and you too wakana, thanks for watching me while i was out cold" he said

the female looked confused "i didn't though" she said "i just got here an hour ago"

sawamura was in disbelief, if not wakana then who?

"there was a guy here who said he was your friend, brown hair? glasses? you know him?" wakana asked

brown hair and glasses? yeah he knew who that was.

miyuki was looking after him? a part of him was annoyed but another part of him felt relieved that it was miyuki and not someone else



"eijun? your face is red, do you have a fever?" wakana asked

sawamura immediately hid himself under his blanket "i'm fine! i don't have a fever!"

"are you feeling anything?" she asked

the brunetter responded with a no

"are you in love then?" she asked

this time sawamura groaned "i'm fine alright?? i'm not in love with miyuki!"

"ah so miyuki is the guy huh?" wakana smirked

him and his darned loud mouth

"how do you even know miyuki is a he?" sawamura asked

"if you didn't notice eijun you rant about him everytime you send a letter" she said

he does???

"also someone came by and told me to tell you once you wake up to head to the guild, apparently there was an important meeting there" wakana said

sawamura hummed  "yeah i'll head there once i freshen myself up" he said "did they say what it was about?"

wakana shook her head "no, they just said it's urgent"


hi again! i just wanna inform ya guys that there won't be an update next week cuz we have exams ;-;
i might update sometime tomorrow or thursday to make up for it so thanks for understanding
see ya soon!

"Eyes of Gold"  - misawa fanfic by ValubieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant