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To say sawamura eijun is excited was an understatement, the moment he stepped in town he could barely keeo still, quite literally.

"sawamura let's hurry, the assembly starts in an hour" miyuki said

sawamura nodded as he followed miyuki, he could already see the guild hall from here!

"neh miyuki what kind of guild is seidou?" sawamura asked

"you agreed to work here without knowing what type of guild this is?" miyuki snickered

the brunette puffed his cheeks "i only know that it's one of the best guilds out there but i have no idea about the system and the people there" he said

"don't worry about that, everything will be explained through the assembly this morning" miyuki said "although you should prepare yourself, it can get rowdy"

the pair stopped infront of the large wooden door, you can hear the chatter from inside

once miyuki pushed the doors open it felt like a gush of strong wind just blew in sawamura's face, he was actually in seidou

"yo miyuki! heard ya destroyed some stuff again!" someone yelled

"welcome back miyuki!"

"who's that?"

sawamura was still in awe, the atmosphere here was felt free, the people here are so laid back it wasn't anything like he thought it would be

"this is sawamura, rei-san apparently scouted him" miyuki said

a green haired stranger walked up to him, examining his face to his clothing

"name's kuramochi youichi, the new recruits are gathering at the training ground at the back, lemme show ya there before you're late" he said

sawamura didn't have anytime to respond before he was taken along, kuramochi was impressively fast!

he took a seat after kuramochi left, there was a suprising amount of people here around 100 maybe?

"sorry is the seat beside you taken?" a short pink haired male asked

the brunette shook his head "nope it's open" he said "my name's sawamura eijun by the way"

the other male smiled as he sat down "mine's kominato haruichi, are you here to apply?" he asked

"i got an offer, what about you?" sawamura asked

"you were scouted? you must be pretty strong then, i'm here because my brother goes here too" haruichi said

"that's awesome! by the way, you don't happen to know what the time is right?" sawamura asked

the pinkette hummed "the assembly should have started about 7 minutes ago, maybe there was a delay" he said

there wasn't a delay.

before anyone could've reacted a spell circle glowed underneath them, then they weren't at the grounds anymore, they were in the forest.

what the actual frick is happening-

sawamura could hear confused murmurs from the other applicants too, nobody seemed to know what was going on here

is it possible they are testing them? it would make sense, no way they could take in 100 people

people started separating from the group, they weren't given any instructions nor any clues

"are you deciding to stay here?" haruichi asked

"Eyes of Gold"  - misawa fanfic by ValubieWhere stories live. Discover now