Chapter 8

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Naomi POV

" Remember to call me when you get there, okay? If anything bad happens just tell me and I will be on my way." Alexa said holding me by my shoulders. Right now, I'm getting ready to board the plane with my baby's father.

Last night me and Alexa were deciding on how to do things and in the end, we ended up agreeing that I should go to Japan. Of course, not blindly though. Being in a new environment that you have never been in makes you very cautious of your surroundings.

Anyways we made this whole game plan that if anything bad were to happen and everything went downhill I would immediately make my way back to the United States without any second thoughts.

" I will call you right away if anything happens." I say hugging her dramatically. " Take care of my mom for me, okay?" I say backing up.

" You will be missed." Alexa says cover her heart with her hand.

I turn around and make my way onto the plane. This morning me and Alexa had cried our eyes out. We had agreed that she wouldn't tell my mom about this situation until after I boarded the plane so that I won't have to see any phone calls from her.

Alexa already had her time to talk to Loc, but she was being secretive about it, so I don't know what they were talking about.

Loc was waiting for me by the stairs the whole time letting me say my goodbyes.

" Are you ready?" he asks ushering me up the stairs.

" I hope so." I say when we are finally in the plane. I get settled in one of the seats closest to the door. I didn't have to put my bag up because Loc had someone to do everything for us.

From the time he picked us up I don't think I've did anything by myself besides using the bathroom. Even then Alexa was with me. They are definitely treating me like I'm made of glass, and I'm not liking it.

The flight felt like forever. The atmosphere between the two of us was very awkward. If he didn't feel awkward I surely did.

Eventually I tried to ignore his presence and occupy my mind with some puzzle games on my phone. Anything to get my mind from wondering about Loc. I then got bored and tried to go to sleep, but that was very uncomfortable to try and do.

" There is a bed that you can use if you are tired." He says from where he is sitting.

" You have a bed on a plane?" I ask.

" Yes I do. It's just behind those curtains" he says pointing. I get up from where I'm sitting and make my way through the curtains.

The space was lavish. Wow it really is rewarding to be rich. I make my way to the bed and try to ignore his presence by the entrance.

" If you need extra blankets I can get them for you. I'll wake you up when we get there. Just call me if you need anything." He says walking out.

I take my shoes off and climb into the bed. The edge of the bed had mini walls. I guess to prevent you from rolling off the bed. As I lay down, I get comfortable and instantly fall asleep.

I'm pretty sure I was asleep for a good few hours before I woke up hungry. Very hungry. I had skipped breakfast because I was busy packing and trying to get my mind straight. I was nervous about getting on a plane for the first time also which didn't help.

I get up from the bed and slowly make my way to Loc with sleep still in my eyes. He seemed to be concentrating on his work, so I made my way to a seat quietly.

Although I'm hungry right now I just can't muster up the courage to say anything. Usually, I wouldn't care. Maybe it's because of the nerves. This is definitely all new to me. With me going to be in a new environment and all. I'm definitely not used to being dependent on someone else.

I already know I'm going to try and do everything myself. I guess it's to show I'm not weak. Either way I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this.

I'm going to be all by myself with no one to talk to. I'm just going to be left with my thoughts. Which is probably not a good thing. I know one thing for sure though I'm definitely going to love the food.

If I could have at least one friend, I'm sure I'm going to be fine. I still have a phone so I can talk to Alexa most of the time, btu it won't compare to the real thing.

" Your awake." his voice cut me off from my thoughts grabbing my attention.

" Yes, I am." I simply say.

" Do you need anything? Are you uncomfortable?" he asks. He's so business like. He speaks as if he's a robot and is constantly working. Well except for that time he broke up with his girlfriend. Even so, I still don't know how his personality is.

" Um I am a little hungry." I say. That was a lie. I was a lot hungry. It feels like the front of my stomach is meeting the back of my stomach.

" You should have said something. The sooner you eat the better." he says getting up from where he was seated. " What were you thinking so hard about anyway?" he asks. He calls for the flight attendant to bring out some food then turns his attention back on me.

" Nothing much. I am just a little nervous." I say honestly. I don't see the point in not telling him how I actually feel. It's just going to make things more awkward for me.

" I can understand that. After all I'm sure this is your first time flying to Japan." he says.

" Its my first time flying ever, but I'm not worried about that. I'm more worried about how I'm going to adapt to everything. It's all new to me. Heck I'm barely used to you." I say.

" What do you mean by being not used to me?" he asks with genuine curiosity.

" Your one of the top billionaires supposedly, while I'm just an ordinary person with simple goals. You make me feel so small." I say. The food then comes out and is set in front of me.

" Do I make you uncomfortable?" he asks.

" I wouldn't say uncomfortable, but I do feel intimidated I guess." I say ready to just eat.

" Well I'll try and be less intimidating. You can eat. I'll be getting back to business." He says getting back to work. I say grace and then dig in.

By the time I was finished all the food was gone from my plate. Not even a speck of crumb was left.

" You must have been very hungry.' he says from his seat. Now I'm a little embarrassed. I wasn't paying attention to the way I was eating. Hopefully I didn't look like a pig.

" Yeah" Is all I say.

" We will land in about an hour. When we get there we are going to have to depart at different times, so that if there are any paparazzi you won't be caught with me. I don't want you to be stressed." he says finally closing his laptop.

" I don't know where to go though." I say because I did not want to be left behind by myself with no sense of direction of where I'm going.

"I'm going to have my secretary guide you to the car that will be waiting for you. You will get to the car, and he will take you to my place. I should be there in the next couple of hours after that as I have some important matters to attend to as soon as we land." He says.

" Okay, I guess." I say. Was this really all necessary? I mean for the first couple of hours I'm going to be by myself. I really hope it isn't going to be like this all the time. I mean he is a businessman so I guess he's always going to be working.

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