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The alarm went off and Y/n knew it was time to  get up and get ready for work. Something she dreaded doing but she did it anyways. She slipped on her uniform, and did her normal routine. Before she left she looked herself in the mirror and thought, maybe today won't be so bad after all, though she could feel the lie even without saying it.


It was about two hours into her shift when a group of boys walked in.

"You've got to be kidding me," Y/n said under her breath.
"What's the matter, little pouge doesn't like seeing a kook enjoy their day?" This remark was made from topper, of course.
"Nobody was talking to you," she retorted.

He rolled his eyes and walked away to sit at a table, of course the one closest to the counter Y/n generally stayed behind.

She walked over to the table to take their order.

"What can I get for you boys," she sighed and took a good look at the boys. Those boys being Topper, Kelce, and Rafe Cameron.

"I'll get a water to start off with, pouge," Topper started.

His friends laughed.

"You better watch your mouth, I don't care what you are, i'll beat you down just for the fun of it," y/n said looking disgusted.
"Woah calm down it's just a joke," Topper finished.
"Whatever," she turned her head to the other boys, "anything for you two?"
"I'll take a Coke please," Kelce said.
"Yeah me too," Rafe said, holding his glance at Y/n.
Y/n gave a quick confused look at Rafe but finally responded with "Ok be back with those drinks in a minute," and walked away.

[A few minutes later]

"Ok here you guys are," she started, "Water for the square- I mean Topper," Y/n said as she passed the water to his hands.
He rolled his eyes but the two boys laughed at her remark.
"And a coke for you," she said as she put the drink in front of Kelce.
"And a coke for you too," she said handing the drink to Rafe but instead getting an accidental feel of his warm hand as she tried to handing him the drink but he instead bumped her hand.

"Sorry," they said at the same time.

He looked at her with the slightest grin on his face.

Was he making fun of her? she thought to herself.

She let the thought go and walked away back to the counter for a few minutes.
That was the most awkward moment i've had in my life, and all I did was touch his hand, she thought.

After a few minutes of tending to the other tables orders she found herself back at the table with the three boys.

"What would you guys like to eat?" she asked.
"I'll have the todays special," Topper said.
"Me too," Kelce said.
"I'll have the same thing," Rafe replied, still not losing his stare at Y/n.

Does this guy have a problem with me or something, she thought.

Finally, after having enough of the awkward stare, Y/n looked at Rafe and asked, "Do you have a problem with me or something,"
"Why would I have a problem with you?" he asked.
"You keep staring, do I have something in my shirt, Jeeze?" She replied.
"No you don't have anything on your shirt, and no I don't have a problem with you." he answered.
"Then why do you keep staring at me?" She asked.
"Ooooo you've been caught." Kelce and Topper laughed at him.
"I- uh... I don't know, maybe I did lie, maybe I do have a problem with your kind," Rafe said.
"What's that supposed to mean," Y/n said, anger welling in her throat.
"It's nothing. That's all, we'd like our food to go," Topper said.
"Fine," Y/n replied, still angry by the comment made by Rafe.

[A few minutes later]

"Here's your food," Y/n said, still feeling disgusted to be talking to the boys.
"Thanks," Rafe said as he went to grab the food their hands touched once again.

He looked as if he might say something but instead he looked into her eyes, turned around and left with the boys.

[Later that day]

After what seemed like the longest day at work, Y/n was finally happy to be home. Though she had to go back tomorrow, it was calming to know she only had one day left to go before she didn't have to work for a few more days.

She grabbed her phone and started texting JJ.

Y/n: Ugh I can see why John B was so tired out from dealing with Rafe yesterday.
JJ: Bad day at work?
Y/n: Yeah, the kook princes were up there today and wouldn't get off my back.
JJ: You could always come over and we could watch the movie earlier than tomorrow.
Y/n: Calm down boy, you only have to wait until the end of my shift tomorrow and i'll rush over there to watch the movie with you.
JJ: Fineeee.... it would be nice though:)

Y/n couldn't help but smile at the message, he truly was the best, even if he didn't know it, he was perfect.

Y/n: alright well i'll text you the moment I get off work tomorrow:)
JJ: Ok, see you then:)))

A/n: yuhhh so idk what to say but if ur reading this... thank you, I hope you're having a good day. And once again if there's any random sentences that make no sense or some really bad spelling errors, i'm sorry pls just ignore, pretend it isn't there lmao:))

Truly yours  | Rafe V JJ X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon