"a chance to start over"

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and for some background context, we joked about me giving guns to my baby turtles in-game. it turned into this :)


thousands of turtles slowly crawl out of the water with tanks and assault rifles, given to them by players.

"GO FORTH, AND CONQUER THE FISH" players command, and they dive in the water once again. they work for the players, and are paid in seagrass.

the fish defenses fall quickly, as the turtle supremacy rules over the ocean, defeating any horrified sea creature in their way.

the axolotls join their forces, and not even the gardians of the sea temple are strong enough to put a stop to them.

in a desperate call for help, the remaining dolphins alert the roamers of the land, as the turtles will soon attack them as well.

the sheep, cows, pigs, chickens, and horses try to stand up for them, but face their own near-extinction when the military turns on them as well.

even some of the players, who have gained access to indescribable weapons and armor, quickly fall under the supreme reign of the turtles.

the axolotls are being treated poorly by their upperclassmen, the turtles, and try to start a revolution.

it falls within a day.

in only three short months, almost every species in this foul world is owned by the turtles and their devious emperor.

they treat everyone else with horrible living standards, and even the best of the best- polar bears, who had joined the uprising immediately- are still beat to the street by your common alcohol-influenced turtle.

together, they take on the ender dragon herself, and take the egg as a trophy.

the end dimension is used for facilities and factories alike, bringing more power to the turtles.

an underground black market selling goods, such as bread, water, and other organic substances. the heir to the throne overthrow their emperor and cause mayhem, destroying the nether realm and using it for a torturous dimension, sending revolution goers to their painful immortal prison.

the turtles don't stop until every single creature on the planet cowers in fear at even the slightest mention of the species.

they control the world now. all three, technically. they constructed a monarchy, and the king and queen sat back in their coral thrones as the reefs thrive around them.

after complete ultimate takeover, the turtles live in harmony amongst themselves, living in luxury while the others use their useless lives to provide for them.

after some years, they grow bored of their endless lives. thanks to the endermen, they have accessed immortality. they seek the player's help to expand into the nether
in return, the players will live seperately away from the regime, with nothing but hope and a sense of beaten morality.

slowly but surely, the turtles learn to kill the peoples that resided in the hot dimension. they'd use them in experiments, and test potions on them. they learned chemistry.

after the turtles quarrel with the witches, they finally set aside their differences and ask for their alchemy ways...

in which they immediately backstab after learning all they could.

they head for the other mobs, and side with the skeletons to exterminate the creepers, zombies, and other creatures of the night.

the only creature that could defeat the turtles now is a creature so powerful and so ancient it doesnt even know its own age.

it's been rumored for centuries.

the turtles learned to read, and gathered as much information as they could on how to overcome this creature, but it wasn't looking good.

all they could do is feel as cocky as they are, and hope nobody ever summons this beast.

they found records, and even made their own music, celebrating every win against more specieses with a party.

it was only a matter of time until they surpassed the power of the creature
but they never knew the power it contained...

the turtles weren't cowards. of course they werent. they conquered the world.

but one of the players they'd forced into the nether as punishment was back. and they had supplies that could destroy everything they had worked so hard to create.

desperately, they worked effortless and thought of all the risks. summoning the wither themselves
it seemed too risky, to use the wither in their own military?

but they ignored the prophecy and summoned the demon for their ranks.

it went so, so, so wrong.

the queen sobbed as what used to be her beautiful coral reef exploded. the king stayed silent. the military went out, but it was no use. it was too far gone.

in a matter of moments the entire kingdom of turtles, who conquered every animal and every player, was destroyed.

millions of soldiers, civilians, and prisoners were slaughtered.

men, women, children, royalty, civilians, and slaves of all species.

all wiped out.

and at last, there was peace once again.

no more tyranny, or loss.

no more unjust ruling, no more horrific punishments for the smallest of deeds.

a chance to start over.

the remaining animals in secluded caves and islands rebuilt their lives
in the nether fortresses and end cities, a second life.

the players that made it out were traumatized, and tended to keep to themselves. they made their own civilizations, and expanded and rebuilt villages that were caught in the wreckage.

they weren't sure what happened to the wither, but no one dared ask in fear of it returning at the mention of it.

unbeknownst to them, the wither still wanders around, killing lost souls.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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