"we can't read, tommy" ~ tubbo

234 13 3

requested by: no one
pronouns: they/them
(keep in mind you can change pronouns)

au where you all are adults and ranboo lives in london because i said so. nothing weird happens, it's all fluffy fluff and stuff. it's only weird if you make it weird.

also its a little short but i didnt really have a plan for this one


"tommy!" you cheer excitedly, throwing yourself into his arms for a hug. he and toby laughed at your exuberance, but it'd been months since you'd seen him, so you were extra enthusiastic.

you let go of your best friend and he and toby hugged quickly before toby stood back over by you, lacing his fingers with yours.

"what time does ranboo get here, again?" tommy asked, and you felt a little guilty for making them third and fourth wheel you and toby a bit. you decided it was fine, the three of them were super close, so it might end up you fourth wheeling them anyways.

you glance at the clock before answering. "in about an hour, i think, right, toby?"

toby beamed over at you. "yep!" he turned back to tommy. "we should stream while we wait."

tommy agreed, and the two boys managed to convince you to follow them into toby's office to stream with them. the two boys sat in gaming chairs in front of the camera and monitors, while you insisted on sitting out of frame in the beanbag toby kept in the corner for this exact reason.

you weren't sure how much of you and toby's relationship was public, so you didn't want to be in frame and do something couple-y on accident out of habit.

it was only a few minutes before all three were laughing, and a dono asked who the third voice was.

toby waved you over with a smile, and tommy gave you a pointed look. you reluctantly stood and walked over behind toby's chair, leaning over the shoulder to set your chin on toby's shoulder.

"you just wish so much that tubbo was tall like me y/n don't you?" tommy joked, seeing your bent-over state.

"oi!" toby protested, earning a snicker from you. you lifted your head again and ruffled toby's hair good-naturedly, stepping back again. toby frowned, and grabbed your hand to hold so you couldn't escape. he laced your fingers with his, and you ignored the way your face went pink.

tommy didn't say anything about it, and only pulled something up on his phone. "alright. read this, the both of you," he said, holding it between you.

you squint at it, scrunching your nose. "we can't fucking read, tommy."

tommy laughed, and you giggled along with him and toby.

the door slammed open, effectively scaring the shit out of all three of you.

ranboo walked into frame between you and tommy, only in frame from his elbows and down. he started laughing a little. "hey chat!"

"how did you even get in?" toby asked incredulously.

"i.. walked through the door?" ranboo gave toby a confused look. "none of you answered the door so i let myself in."

toby accepted the answer, and you got a chair from another room for ranboo. toby let you go sit back down in the bean bag, and you took a few side profile pictures of the boys to post for the fans.

you posted them on your twitter, and all three of the boys' phones went off at the same time.

you smiled as they compared the notifications. "all three of you have twitter notifications on for me?"

tommy rolled his eyes. "obviously."

toby smiled. "obviously!"

ranboo glanced at the other two. "um.. obviously?"

you smiled, rolling your eyes playfully. "you guys are dorks."

"toby what is a dork." tommy asked.

"um, i dunno, like a nerd i guess, but more friendly?" toby shrugged.

ranboo pulled his phone from his pocket again. "'a contemptible, socially inept person,'" he read. "and a nerd is, 'a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.'"

tommy scowled. "i'm not a dork! or a nerd!"

ranboo and toby shared a look. you laughed a little at his annoyance. "sure, tommy," you agreed.

"that sounded sarcastic."

"what? me? sarcastic? never!"

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