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" where are we .. waka nii san ? "hiroko blink her eyes at an unfamiliar place that her brother just bring her

the place look like a delinquent kinda place

" is that hiroko ? " shinichiro ask while looking down at the small girl who have a boredom face just like wakasa

Both of them shared the same flaws with a pair of violet eyed and long eyelashes.

Hiro lift her right eyebrows when she saw a boy was sitting alone at the side

he look like he's around her age

" we're at the black dragon base hiro , don't worry this place is safe as long as we all are here ! " wakasa ruffled her hair

pulled her up with both of his hand

" your sister is so cute , you should bring her here often " takeomi smiled

She was cute which remind him about his sister

" how old are you hiro ? " ask Shinichiro

" I'm ten this year " she answer as her brother slowly put her down back

" hey seishu you just got your own new friend ! she's on the same age as you ! " takeomi called the boy

He was sitting all alone at the side of the corridor

"maybe I can bring her to meet Mikey and Emma .." shinichiro thought

scratching his right hand on his cheek

Inui lifted his head and walk to hiro way

" who are you ? " inui ask , crossing both of his hand on his chest

" hiroko Imaushi , just call me hiro " she smile and make a piece sign from her right hand

He blink his eyes towards her behavior and felt a warm spread on his cheek

" nice name. " he cover his face with his one of his hand

" what about you ? " she wiggled her eyebrows

" Inui " he blankly answer as his hand suddenly got dragged by the girl by randomly

" hey where are we going ?! " Inui questions

no response

" waka nii san you don't mind right if I bring him to the playground ? " hiro glanced at her brother to ask his permission which he nodded in response

" sure just make sure don't go too far !" wakasa shouted

" make sure to protect her Inui ! " takeomi send him a grinned

" why would I protect her ..? " Inui tsk his mouth and glared at them

" look like they're getting along " wakasa chuckled while watching the two figure that slowly disappeared from the base

" you sure have a cute sister wakasa " shinichiro playfully smack his shoulder after witnessed those cute sight just now

" you're annoying .." wakasa muttered


Hiro was sitting on the swing while Inui pushed her from the back .

" hey why am I the one who pushing you right now ? " he ask

" alright.. you can take a seat now " hiro stood up and give him the seat as she just stood at behind of the swing

The blonde boy then sit at the swing , holding both of his hand on the string

" so tell me what's the behind story of that scar on your head .." she started to pushed the swing

" oh this ? I got it when my house was on fire , it's ugly right ? " he pointed his scar that was spotted at his forehead

" ugly ..? What do you mean ugly ? It's beautiful " she mumbled

" beautiful ? " he repeat her words , making sure if he just misheard what hiro just said

" you should embraced your flaws Inui , it's truly beautiful " she stop pushing the swing and play with his hair from behind

It was fluffy

The blondie boy stopped his track after listened to those word .

" hm Inui?" the girl call him noticing that he's not moving or talking it's like he's having a deep thought

Inui blink his eyes as he stood up from the swing and move his leg to the girl way

" thank you ..." he open his both arm and give hiro a hug which make her eyes widened

it was her first time hugging a boy other than her brother wakasa

A pink tint can be seen at her cheek as she return the hug to the sunflower blond boy

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