Meeting Oracle and Killing The Fire Dragon

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Sakuya Rottweiler-class Railgun Battleship Bridge

Rondel City River

[Our ship received a message from one of the Imperial Japanese Army officers, Brigadier Youji Itami, that they needed firepower assistance to kill an A-class Kaiju with the code name "Enryu" near Alnus with Japanese troops from another dimension] said Yui, the AI ​​of this ship.

  Then the captain of the ship named Edo Takagawa asked "Are anti-tank missiles not enough?"

[Apparently not Captain, the Kaiju is smarter than a Gojira when it comes to avoiding danger, that's what the transmission said] Yui replied.

A class Kaiju are very dangerous Kaiju because they can avoid any danger that approaches them.  This intelligence is of a low human level.  Class A Kaiju examples are Ancient Dragon, Gojira, Gomora, Eleking, and Ghidorah.

Then Kong is a Kaiju but he prefers to defend humans rather than destroy the environment like most kaiju.  Kong is now in the ranks of the UN Special Forces with other aliens from other civilizations.

Then Ultraman is a humanoid race class Kaiju class S-SS because of its great destructive power.

“Target found, Coordinates 1-5-0 slope 2-2-0, uteee!”  Captain Edo Takagawa's orders.

The turret rotates at 90° to the southeast, the 80cm cannon contains a HESH Shell that can weigh 10-15 tons depending on the type of projectile loaded on the gun.

[HESH Shell Loaded, Fire!] Boom!

In the city of Rondel the civilians who saw the giant ship about to fire projectiles had to cover their ears and many glass windows were broken due to the very loud gunshots and the sound could be heard up to a radius of 10 kilometers away.

Even though the sound was very loud but no explosive smoke appeared.  Nine projectiles shot at a speed of Mach 30 because if they were too slow they feared they would fall victim to an unintended consequence.

The outskirts of Rondel

The civilians were amazed even though their ears were still ringing loudly from the deafening effects of the explosion earlier.

"What was that?  Did the magic weapon belonging to an army from another world firing?”  asked a resident.

“That sound just now could even make the earth tremble!”

"Ah!!!  My poor ears!!!”  the complaints of various residents

“The Empire has apparently stepped on the foot of the god!”  exclaimed a female scientist who was none other than Lelei's older sister watching.

(AN: I forgot the name of Lelei's sister so please if you know her name please write it in the comments column)

Near Alnus, the location of the shot coordinates

Brigadier Youji Itami saw the silhouettes of the projectiles approaching their location and immediately shouted with his megaphone.


Immediately, the JSDF and MIJA soldiers moved away from the location of the bombardment.  If they are even a second late to dodge, they will enter the bombardment zone.

Bam Bam Boom Boboom BooooomDuaaar!

Lieutenant General Hazama who watched from the OH-1 helicopter was amazed and afraid if his troops entered the bombardment zone.


The last scream of “Enryu” which was shattered and left nothing but the head of the fire dragon which was still intact just charred.


Tenno Heika Banzai!

The happy shouts of the soldiers who saw the destruction of the Fire Dragon and they started to get out of their respective vehicles to check if the creature was still alive.  The barren desert landscape becomes a lava zone of melted sand and rock due to the super high temperatures.

"Was that Brigadier?"  Lieutenant General Hazama asked Brigadier Youji Itami.

“Umm, what's the answer huh?  It was the attack of the nine 80cm caliber Railguns of the Rottweiler-class Railgun Battleship that I managed to contact earlier.  The location is from the direction of Rondel City if I'm not mistaken” answered the Brigadier shyly.

30 minutes later on the river near the Location of the JSDF and MIJA Joint Forces

The JSDF soldiers were surprised to see the world's largest warship ever docked near the waters of the river.  The rivers of this world were deeper and wider than those on earth so Battleships or large ships could fit in and sail there.

"That's the first ship of the Rottweiler-class Railgun Battleship, Sakuya," said Brigadier Youji Itami proudly and puffed out his chest.

"Even though for a dragon it's too overkill, even though dragon meat is very good to eat" Tsunade explained to the JSDF soldiers with a smile.

Itami and the JSDF Comrades saw the ship's exterior which was majestic for a warship, but well worth the task.

The Secret Cooperation between the Japanese Empire and the State of Japan was established by the meeting of the two prime ministers of the two countries in the city of Alnus.  A giant additional portal was built to connect 2099 Earth-Falmart-2015 Earth with the mission of building the State of Japan into its golden age and reforming the Empire of Japan and eliminating threats such as the People's Republic of China, South Korea, North Korea, NATO, Russia, and the thirsty USA.  power and natural resources in the Special Region that should belong to Japan together because GATE appeared on Japanese territory.

Japan is also tired of fasting from war for the last 70 years and is being oppressed by the Chinese and westerners who monopolize the world.

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