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At the Mystery Shack, the twins are in the living room. They sat on the floor watching Duck-tective.

Between the siblings is a bowl of popcorn and Y/n. Mabel knits a new sweater and Dipper eats the popcorn While Y/n watches Duck-tective. When his sister tries to get popcorn, he just slaps her hand.

"I'm afraid your services won't be required here, sir. My men have examined the evidence," a character said from the T.V. then it cuts to him. The man was dressed as a British policeman.

"And this is obviously an accident." He gestures to the dead body in a telephone booth. The guy's foot is stuck through the glass of the booth and his hands are outside on the door of it.

Then a duck in a detective costume comes into the camera as it quacks. The subtitles read.

"An accident, constable? Or is it..." then a dramatic pause, the duck turns to the camera and squacks. "Murder?!"

"What?!" Constable shouted.

Then a foot of a duck appears on screen, the title of the show pops up.

"Duck-tective will return after these messages." The T.v. announcer stated.

Mabel drops her unfinished sweater in awe. She whispered while she brought her hands on either side of her cheeks. "That duck is a genius!"

"Eh, it's easier to find clues when you're that close to the ground." Dipper nonchalantly stated. Mabel squinted her eyes at her brother, she brought her hands to her hips and asked. "Are you saying you could outwit Duck-tective?"

"Mabel, I have very keen powers of observation. For example, just by smelling your breath, I can tell that you have been eating..." Dipper told her then he sniffs. "...an entire tube of toothpaste?!"

Mabel turned her back to her brother. Around her mouth is sparkling toothpaste. She admits. "It was so sparkly..."

Y/n sighs and decides to mess with Dipper. "Too bad. Your keen powers of observation aren't enough to find the missing body."

Dipper whipped his head, so fast that it almost cost him a whiplash, to the youngest in the room nonchalantly munching on popcorn. Dipper furrowed his eyebrows and asked. "A missing--What?"

Y/n only gave him a shit-eating grin.

"Hey, dudes, you'll never guess what I found!" Soos exclaimed, he slid from the hallway.

"Buried treasure!" "Creepy museum!"

Dipper and Y/n's voices overlap each other.

"Buried--" Mabel laughs and playfully pushes her brother. "Hey! I was gonna say that!"

The twins squint their eyes and look at Y/n who was nervously sweating.

"Did you say Creepy Museum?" Dipper asked. The kid immediately denied. "I-I meant buried treasure!"

Y/n stood up and walked out of the living room, stiffly.

They had their hair tied into two space buns. Their long sleeve blouse has two different colors split in the middle, black pants and f/c boots.


They walk to the darker part of the Mystery Shack. Whether Stan forgot to pay the electric bill for that part of the Shack or he didn't put up a light source there.

Unbeknownst to the group, a silhouette of a floating triangle with limbs and a top hat follows them then disappears into the shadows.

"So, I was cleaning up, when I found this secret door, hidden behind the wallpaper. It's crazy bonkers creepy!" Soos explains to them as he leads the kids to a door. He opens the door with a creak.

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