The Hand That Rocks The Mabel

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A bird fly away from a tree branch to show Stan Pines in front of the Mystery Shack entertaining tourists.

"For tonight's final illusion, we have the incredible 'Sack of Mystery'." Stan showcased to the tourists a sack with a question sewn on it. He shook the sack as he lies. "When you put your money in, it mysteriously disappears!"

The tourists smiled and muttered good things about Stan as they put their money in the 'Sack of Mystery'. The tourists walk away as Stan smiles at their naive attitude.

Inside the Mystery Shack, Soos and the three kids are in the living room watching TV. Soos and Mabel sat on the yellow couch's armchair as for Y/n and Dipper sat on the floor.

Today, Y/n agreed to watch 'Tiger Fist!' with them.

They wore their usual black turtleneck with an off-shoulder sweater on top. This time they wore pants and sneakers. They let Mabel tie the half upper part of their hair into pigtails.

"The tiger was badly injured in the explosion, but we repaired him with a fist." The narrator informs the audience. It cuts to a tiger in a hospital. Out of nowhere, a buff arm pops up from the tiger. Its hand is formed into a fist. Then the screen shows the title of the show 'Tiger Fist!'.

Soos, Mabel, Dipper and Y/n cheers loudly at the show. It cuts back to the television. The fist punched the tiger.

"Tiger Fist!" The TV announcer exclaimed. "...will return after these messages."

The commercial starts with a person's hands releasing a flock of doves as they fly away.

"Hey, look. It's that commercial we were telling you guys about." Soos told the twins as he pointed to the TV. Y/n nods at the man.

"Are you completely miserable?" A voice spoke, narrating as the commercial shows a view of beautiful mountains then it cut to a man bawling his eyes out as he sat in his bed.

"Yes!" He answered the narrator.

"Then you need to meet," The voiceover suggested to the crying man. He whispered. "Gideon."

The screen shows a silhouette of a person with their hands on their hips as a question mark is on the silhouette's body and their name 'Gideon'.

"Gideon?" Dipper repeats as his sister doubts. "What makes him seem so special?"

"He's a psychic." The voiceover answered the girl.

"Arooo?" Mabel tilted her head.

"So don't waste your time with other so-called 'man of mystery'." The voiceover insulted Stan as the screen shows the man walks out of an outhouse and shakes a toilet paper stuck on his foot. The video starts to become slow motion as a word in red stamps shows 'Fraud' on Stan.

"Learn about tomorrow tonight at Gideon's Tent of Telepathy." The screen shows a star with different colors on each part. On the center of it is an eye then the camera zooms out to reveal a light blue tent. The commercial ends with the voiceover speaking fast as lightning that sounds gibberish to Y/n but they managed to catch on to the last sentence.


Y/n tilted their head at this. 'For so many times I have encountered this commercial... What the fuck is up with the last part???' They thought as Mabel openly admits. "Well, I'm getting all curiousy inside."

"Well, don't get too curiousy." Stan interjects as he walks towards the door of the living room. He flips his eyepatch on his right part of his glasses.

"Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town," Stan rants as he takes off his black jacket all while stepping in the living room. "I've had nothing but trouble." He hangs his jacket on a makeshift hanger made with three deer's antlers to act as the place you hang hats and jackets, and wooden pole for the body and stand.

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