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You packed the last of your clothes and swung the navy blue bage over your shoulder.

This is it.

You were actually gonna leave the only home you ever knew. Though it was all for a good cause, right? You were going to find Alyssa, like Miss Puffy said. Earlier that day, you had ate, and secretly stashed, as much as your medium-sized Lunchbox could hold, since you weren't just running away with an empty stomach; it was common sense not to do so.

It was currently in the middle of the night, and you could hear the wind howl outside.

You slowly walked in front of the window, your only barrier to the outside world and your best friend. You grabbed the bottom edges of the glass, slowly (but surely) sliding up the window seal, pushing it up as much as you could. Once it was open to the point you could fit outside, a cold breeze immediately hit your face. Breathing in the freezing air, you carefully slid a leg over the window, onto the roof. One, after another, until you were fully out of the window, and on the roof of the orphanage.

You slid back the window, closing and looking inside and around you to see if anyone had noticed your actions. Realizing that nobody did, you had walked over to the near edge of the roof, you realized (and then decided) that if you were to fall, you atleast break tons and tons of bones. If not, you would ultimately die, which was not the ideal end of your run-away mission.

Shaking, you rubbed your hands against your elbows in order to gain heat from the freezing air.

You sulked to yourself and eventually thought you would just have to go back, and act like you hadn't just been of the roof. Half-way to turning around, you suddenly spot a spruce tree near the roof.

One you could probably climb down with.

Thats when your determination caught up to you, your motivation being Alyssa, you quickly back up to get some momentum, and you ran as fast as you could. Atleast you would look back up on this when you died from this choice, and said that you tried. Your shoes clacking onto the dark wood of the roof, you jumped across, feeling the freezing air impossibly get more cold, hoping for the best. hoping that your hands would clash and cling onto the trunk of the tree you trusted with your life.

And you did.

Your hands clung onto the tree, in which your hands obviously hurt, and were definitely scratched, breathing heavy and heart feeling like it would beat out of your chest at any moment, you carefully (and very slowly) climbed down, finally coming down when the sun was starting to rise, (which startled you a bit with fact that you took that long,) since every second felt like hours coming down to the ground. With that said, you knew that there was no turning back now.

Your determination solidified right then and there, you were going to find Alyssa, and live a happy life with your best friend. Turning around, you whisk past the tree, running at full speed in the cold air, gentle sunrays from the sunrise beam past you, as you smiled to at what you had accomplished.

You did it. You escaped the orphanage.

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