Chapter 15: Mamihlapinatapai

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Mamihlapinatapai (n.) A look shared by two people, wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire but neither one wants to start.

*WARNING: Spicy Mature Content. Proceed at your own discretion.*

Arabella's P.O.V.

I laid my head against the window of the car as Nicolo drove through the city. Couples walked under the city lights and stars, hand in hand, as they laughed and gazed at each other longingly, falling in love with each other again, or perhaps for the first time. Groups of friends roamed through the streets as they made new memories together under the moonlight. It's delightful, I thought as I watched their carefree and serene nature carry them on through the night, completely unaware of the dangerous mafias that lurk in the shadows at night and blend in with the crowds by day.

The sound of the car's engine revving filled my ears as Nicolo sped towards the green traffic lights. Cars and lampposts passed by in a blur and I watched as headlights coming from the other side of the intersection neared their red stoplights. The headlights of the car got bigger and brighter as we neared the intersection. I squinted my eyes as I watched the car not slow down, they're not going to stop.

"Nicolo," I whispered.

"What is it, Arabella?" he asked.

"The car," I slurred out while tapping my finger on the window.

"It's not going to stop," I said loudly.

"What?" Nicolo asked and I saw that he turned his direction towards me and suddenly slammed on the brakes.

My body lunged forward but Nicolo held his arm out in front me so I wouldn't hit the dashboard. His hand gripped the wheel as the tires screeched and the car started to spin out of place. We watched as the speeding car drove off, running a red light, and nearly missing us.

"Cazzo! Brutto figlio di puttana bastardo," Nicolo yelled out as he laid his hand on the horn and drove off (Just a bunch of bad words).

"Are you alright?" he asked as he lowered his arm and placed his hand on my knee.

I held my breath as I felt his fingertips brush against my inner thigh and I bit my lip.

"Stop biting your lip like that, Arabella," he said as I felt his hand move up higher on my thigh.

"Nicolo," I sighed out and closed my eyes as I felt his grip get tighter.

"Tell me what you want," he said.

I placed my hand over his and began to guide his hand higher, moving the hem of my dress towards my hips, slightly exposing the black lace underwear that I wore.

"Is this what you spent my money on? Something that I can rip off of you so easily," he asked as he lifted up the side of my thong and let go causing it to fall back down against my hip.

"Please, Nicolo," I sighed as I felt his hand slip under my dress and rest right above the thin lace.

He trailed his hand back down towards my thigh and slowly back up again teasing me. His fingertips pressed harder into my inner thigh, causing my legs to spread apart farther as I leaned back into the seat.

I let out a moan when I felt his index finger rest above my mound and slowly traced down my slit towards my throbbing core, excitement and arousal surged through my body as the only thing separating me from his pleasing touch was a thin layer of lace.

"Cazzo, Arabella you're soaking wet already," he said as I gripped his bicep and buried my face into his arm as I tried to stifle another moan.

"Nicolo," I gasped out when I felt his finger push down against my bud; I closed my legs tightly together with his hand still in between, struggling to keep myself from going over the edge.

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