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Stella got home, normal as usual with Esther behind her, they chatted so much they didn't notice Veronica walking around hastenly until one of them bumped into her and she screamed


"Wow, mom, it just us..." Stella said

" Oh, hi Stella, hi Esther" she greeted

"Mom what going on?,why so hasty?" She asked

"I've got to get to David school before evening..." She said still moving around endlessly

"Uhm... Why?" Esther asked

"Do you know the school you took him today?" She ask Stella

"Yes, what wrong...?"

"They actually went there for excursion and it is an engineering college for smart and unique minds and today, when asking questions your brother answered  most of it and he has been choosen to come to the school for Coaching and one other boy Emmanuel, maybe, I don't know his name, so I have to go and pick him up there and I'm late already..." She replied all in one breathe still packing a few things

"Wait, do you say college for unique minds?" Esther asked

"Yes why?"

"My brother also went there today and I have to go and pick him, geez I've forgotten"

"Don't worry I'll take him... What is his name ?"

"Emmanuel, Emmanuel Manchester" she replied " maybe we should all go there so Stella will be able to tell you what's bothering her". She said pushing Stella towards Veronica

"Yes Stella anything you want to tell me?"

"Yes...I...I... Better wait till we are on the way, you are getting late" she replied fidgetingly.

Esther look at her, and gave her the "you are so not doing well..." face.

The trip to the college was quite at the beginning but good for Stella until Veronica starts to ask questions about her day

"Uhm...Stella how was school today...?"

Stella look at Esther, trying to find answers to the question pointed to her,

"It was good, gr... great..., Even..." She replied

"Hey Stella isn't there something you wanna tell your mom...?" Esther asked trying to push the words out of her mouth

"Is time true Stella, you have something to tell me...?"

"Yes...no...I mean yes..."

"What is it...?"

"Uhm..., We are having a parent meeting tomorrow..."

"Oh great, I'll come, what time?"

"The thing is...only Richard and I were asked to invite our parents"

"Really, wow, hold on..., What did you do...?"

"It about the fight that took place yesterday"

"So what about it.?"

"Someone videoed it and sent it online"


"Who could have done such an outrageous act?"

"No one knows, but the principal is very crossed for fighting..."

"Why would he be angry?, It for self defense "

"Yeah, he did see it as that..."

"So what is going to happen to the both of you?"

"We don't know but our school is going to be investigated on tomorrow"  Esther cut in since the conversation started in the car

"And here we are...the unique minds tech college" Veronica said as she look for where to park

"Wow this place is so great, look at all the machines and all..."

"Yep, it a wonder"

Stella sighted David with one other weird looking kid with an eyeglass engrossed with their laptop

"David..." She called and the others look at the direction

"Emmanuel" Esther called the boys with David.

Stella was shocked as the boy she just abused was Esther's brother, she apologized anyway

"What are you two doing...?"

"We waited for you guys for so long that we got bored and decided to  do something with our hands" David explained afterwards introduced his newly found friend, Emmanuel Manchester

"Nice to meet you Emmanuel." Veronica greeted

"Stella, why haven't you put off your uniform before coming?" David asked " why did you even come anyway"

"Why did you record my conversation with mum and send it to Richard?" She asked

"It was by mistake, am serious and I wanted to see your expression when you found out" he said

"Why did you do it...?"

" I'm sorry but I must really say, your school must be really in fright for what is coming for you" he said

"What do you mean?"

"Your fight with the thugs has gotten out of hand and someone posted the video"

"We know about that..."

"Yes but did you know that the state had decided to shut down your school and expel you and Richard...?"


To be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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