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He look anxiously at the student before talking

"... listen..." He started "...now, here is a warning for you all, don't fight in the school, you refuse, don't engage yourself in a fight that doesn't concerns you, you refuse, with this video out it is really dangerous for me, you and the school at large, I just pray the school board should not see this, you know what...?, I hereby adjourned this meeting till further notice, you are all dismissed but Richard and Stella you are needed in my office" he closed up and walked briskly to his office..

Richard look at Micheal, his best friend in the school, he gestured to him to wait for him before going to class

At the  principal's office, the two stood as the principal move to his seat

"So...about the video, do you by any chance saw anyone around when you were fighting?"he asked

"I did not see anybody but all I saw was Stella standing in fear looking at me fighting those thugs" he replied proudly

" I never ask you for that...the video is really dangerous when shown to the world,I just pray the school board should not see this..." His phone rang,
he took it up and widened his eyes when he saw the caller

"Oh geez, I spoke too soon, the school board is calling, you two go to your respective classes..."he replied bothered

Lesson has started when they got to class, the emergency assembly has taken four off the eight periods and this is the last period to the lunch break, Stella walked slowly to her seat maybe lost in thought or something

"Stella Williams, please take your sit, you are disrupting the lesson..." The chemistry teacher said
She walked briskly to her seat as all eyes were fixed on her, she hear chuckles from behind

"Now, students, from what I've done so far, who can help me with IUPAC name of..." The teacher said scribbling something on the white maker board
Stella look at Richard then at Esther, her friend,she made a new friend just within days of staying in the school

"We will talk later..." Esther whispered to her but the teacher heard

"Who was that...?" He asked, but then he noticed Esther straightening her head from bending it when she wanted to talk to Stella

"Oh, Esther Manchester, is there anything you want to tell us...?"

"No sir I was just telling Stella something..." She replied timidly, she is so fragile, she always taken advantage of in class...
The teacher look at her and then at stella

"Stella please will you help us with equation...?" He asked giving her the maker

"Sir, she just got to this school, she hasn't learned anything..." Solomon, one of the class bully said as a jest...
Everyone laughed
Stella got up, took the maker and walk slowly to the board

"Anyone, around please give write the answer in a paper and give it to her, don't let her be disgraced..." He said again as everyone laughed "Richard, she needs your help..." He added

Stella look at him, his abuse is getting too offensive but she ignored it, she loot at the question

"Hmm" she smirked 😏
It is a question in organic chemistry which comprises of the Alkanes family (alkenes,alkynes,ethene,ethanol,propane, butane and all other ones) now she has to name the compound butane which has bromium and methyl...

She look at the board and start writing, after some seconds she dropped the maker, the teacher look at the her answer and smiled

"Sir, is she correct...?" Solomon asked

"She is correct and she even stated where the bond took place, give her some cheers" he said looking at the equation once more, the bell rang,

"That is it for today folks, until we meet again..." He said and left the class, noise erupted as the teacher move out of the class, Esther went to meet Stella

"How are you doing?, What Happened in the principal's office?" She asked

"Nothing much, only that we should leave his office and yes, the school board saw the video...",
One of the students heard it and announced it to the whole class...

"Announcement class...!!!" She screamed "....new development, the school board found out about the video..." She said
The students began to murmur,
Richard look at Stella, that girl's mouth is a sieve, everything always gets discovered from her...

Closing period...

The news spread like a pandemic round the whole school, every one even the trees in the school heard the news, the school board saw the video and GOLDEN PACE HIGH SCHOOL will be investigated throughout the week, everyone were  preparing to go home when the principal called their attention...

"...uhm, hello distinguished students, sorry to disturb your preparation but Stella Williams and Richard silver are needed urgently in my office, come quickly..." He said

The principal was also preparing to go home but detained himself cause he had to be sure all offices are tightly closed and everything is secured

Stella got to the office first then followed by Richard

"Who let the information about the school board...?" He asked "... because, you two were the only one I told about the board knowing it..." He said

"I was the one..." Stella replied "...it wasn't intentional, I was talking to Esther when Sarah heard it and announced it to the class but I don't know who broadcast it to the school..." She admitted

"Okay..., You know what, I want both of you here with your parents tomorrow morning after the assembly... You're dismissed" he said and watched them go out...

"I really need someone to help me clear this..." He said wondering...

The only thing he can do is search for those that help him destroy all evidence to the video and the only closest person who can do that is his relative, but a hardened  criminal and it will be against the rules to involve him in it but he has no choice... He picked up his phone and dialed his phone number

"Hello bro, sorry to disturb you but I have an important job for you to do for me..." He said and after some chatting, he hung up smiling widely....

I really want to say a big thank you to ClaireOlsen   for the beautiful story cover she did for me.... Follow her up and get your story cover made 🤩😍😘😍

To be continued...
Chapter 9 coming soon...

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