Rule 6: Don't Summon Demons

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Author's Note: So this chapter does mention supernatural things. Nothing supernatural actually happens, though its implied the West Coast is trying to summon something. 

I have been a bit hesitant posting this because it does touch on religious things. I'm non-practicing but grew up with a mix of Christian and Catholic. (one side of the family is one, the other is the other. And nobody bothered to explain to me which was which). Texas's religious comments are what I imagine he would say based on my interactions with my religious grandmother. 

If you watch Buzzfeed Unsolved, you know about Shane Madej. I've kind of taken some things he's said and given them to California as lines. So Cali is going to be very disrespectful to supernatural things.  If that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to back out. 

Gov uses he/him pronouns in this chapter. 


In all honesty, Louisiana probably shouldn't have let it slip that he has a Ouija board. Sooner or later somebody was going to get bored and ask to borrow it in order to talk to the supernatural. Or just break into his room and take it. And that would lead to a debate between the religious and the non-religious states on whether the supernatural is even real to begin with.

Which is how we find the statehouse one Saturday night. Candles and pentagrams and the Ouija board and other 'supernatural' summoning items have been set up around the living room. Somebody turned off the lights to help set the mood. And California and Texas were having a screaming match at each other.

"There is something seriously wrong with ya!" Texas shouted. He was clutching a bottle of something tight in both hands. His knuckles were white.

"Why?" California asked. He continued to mess with the (electric, since he can't be trusted with real ones) candles around him. His phone screen illuminated his face as he read off the wiki-how on summoning demons.

"How are you not terrified right now?!"

"Because demons aren't real." California answered. "Demons aren't real. Ghosts aren't real. The supernatural isn't real."

"What about Bigfoot?" Washington asked. Oregon nodded his head in agreement. They were using Louisiana's (stolen) Ouija board.

"Bigfoot might be real. He's more of a zoological cryptid than a supernatural one. There's nothing about him or his lore that suggests anything other-worldly. Everything can be traced back to something scientific."

Texas threw his hands up in defeat as California, Oregon, and Washington started discussing the 'science' behind Bigfoot. He was going to need backup if he was going to get anywhere with this group. How could California not be scared of demons and ghosts? He was scared of fire and those freaking jumping cactus that Arizona liked to keep, but not the supernatural?

He found a good majority of the Southern states in the game room, playing Mario Party. People were taking sides and placing bets on who would win. Honestly, it was probably a good thing Texas came by to interrupt because Tennessee looked like he was ready to jump at Louisiana for stealing his star.

"The dumbass is tryin' to mess with the supernatural and I need y'all's help to stop 'im." Texas said.

Florida looked over from his spot, offended. "Hey man, I ain't trying to do nothing but win this game."

"You're doin' a poor job at it." Georgia commented as he bought himself another star from Toadette. He boosted from third place to first.

"No, not dumbass Florida." Texas clarified. "Dumbass California. He's trying to summon a demon."

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