28: Human After All

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Chopin Nocturne No. 1 in B Flat Minor

ElydBeth made the amazing fan cover on the side! THANK YOU!

I'll check for mistakes in the dreaded morning ugh.


"Honestly, I'm fine Amy."


"I'm just a little tired; it's normal for me."

She sat at the edge of his bed watching him carefully shift into his old pyjama t-shirt. Her eyes zoomed into the area he was stabbed less than three hours ago. The skin was still taut but it looked to be completely healed. Amy found the process to be completely intriguing. But still her worry for him was weighing heavily in her mind.

His hands ran over his face and she was very aware of the way he swallowed often and when his chest would stop moving.

He wasn't breathing.

Like now for example. John was smiling at her but there was no sign of a moving chest.

"I'm going to get a cup of tea." She mumbled before standing and walking from his room downstairs.

She had no idea how to approach the subject without... Well embarrassing herself. What if he said no? It was obvious he was thirsty. But how thirsty was he? From the many novels she's read, when they were this thirsty they often couldn't stop. Could she run the risk?

Amy chuckled to herself quietly as she put the tea bag into the cup. There was no risk. John wouldn't do that and it was a stupid tired thought. The kettle clicked and she poured half of the boiling water into the cup. She grabbed the milk from the fridge and the sugar from the cabinet.

She could totally do this. Not for herself, no. Everything Evie said was a slight encouragement but John needed it and her no matter whether it was a little of her or a lot.

Silently, she took a sip of her tea and replayed her whole night. Her body had shaken to the core when that vampire snatched her from John earlier. It happened so quickly...

The liquid warmed her insides smoothly and she took a few minutes to think of how to approach John about the subject. It was almost half twelve, they'd been here for a good hour now and she was still wearing her scarf and sweater. Thankfully she'd stopped shivering so she yanked it off as well as her beige sweater.

She padded, in her socks, up the stairs after she finished her drink and walked through his study back into his bedroom. What surprised her was the fact he was still awake. The bedside light was on now meaning he'd gotten up to switch off the main light overhead. His pale skin contrasted against his freshly changed grey sheets. He turned his head to her entrance and smiled tightly.

"Are you staying?" He asked shifting his position but she held up her hand.

"Can you be honest with me?" Amy shut the door behind her and slowly approached the bed.

"Of course."

"John, are you thirsty?"

He swallowed. Again. "Why do you-"

"Answer me honestly and don't be evasive."

She noticed the slight panic in his eyes as he remained stock still.

"I'm not afraid, I promise."

"Then why-"

"I just need to know please."

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