My h-hot stalker.. p1

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Hi! My name is Jeongin, my friends call me innie tho ehe, I am a 19 year old that is working as a dish washer.

I didn't want to be but I have no other choice, everywhere is packed with way better employees, I don't blame the managers tho ehe.

I stay in a low budget apartment, and I'm kinda in debt there so I don't have alot of free time except for 2 days.

I'm a pretty hard worker, I'm very good at cleaning dishes so, but sometimes I feel like someone's been...watching me...

I feel really paranoid these days, it's been going on for 2 months, what's also weird is that my new neighbor moved in just a month before it started happening.

Well I'm not blaming him, he seems like a nice guy, he's really fit and cool, we haven't talked tho so I shouldn't be assuming.

•Different POV thingy

Jeongin woke up early as usual and took a nice shower, he then got dressed and packed some chicken for his lunch.

Jeongin then slipped his shoes on and went outside, he started walking to the train station to head towards work.

On the way in Jeongin felt like he was being watched, he tried to shake off the feeling and put some earbuds on and started to listen to music to calm down.

The train slowed down really fast making everyone on the train bump into eachother, including Jeongin.

Jeongin felt someone push up against him while he was holding onto one of the dangling handles.

Causing him to be squished against the window, Jeongin felt the stranger feel on his waist.

The stranger started playing with Jeongin's hair while breathing against Jeongin's neck, Jeongin then asked "are you the one s-stalking me..?.

"Shh" the stranger whispered, Jeongin felt numb after hearing that, it kinda scared him and got him thinking about who would do this to him.

This made Jeongin feel tingly and shy, the stranger then stopped and quickly walked away to blend in with the crowd.

Jeongin was left feeling flustered and embarrassed that this happened to him, "he's such a weirdo..!" Jeongin thought in his mind.

A few hours past and Jeongin was washing the dishes as usual, he didn't feel like he was being watched since the dishes were stored in the back.

Jeongin took his lunch break and ate the chicken he had packed earlier, "mhmm!! It's so delicious, I'm not a bad cook!" Jeongin said with a smile while eating more chicken.

He felt safe and comfortable, Jeongin finished with the dishes for the night and clocked out.

Jeongin rushed to the train station to catch the last train, "phew, I made it" Jeongin said while panting as the train doors close behind him.

He sat down, he was a little exhausted and began to fall asleep, Jeongin felt his head lean on something but ignored it and continued sleeping not realizing it was his stalker.

Jeongins head fell and he woke up at his stop, he then walked off the train like nothing happened and went home.

Jeongin put the code into his apartment door and opened the door, he kicked off his shoes at the entrance and then fell on the bed sleepily.

But he got up and got his pajamas on even tho he didn't want to, he just ended up putting on the pajama bottoms instead without the matching shirt.

Jeongin fastly fell asleep with no trouble.

Jeongin woke up the next morning and started to get ready for work but he forgot he had the day off and just remembered.

Jeongin took off his work clothes and put something more comfortable on, laid back in bed and rested some more.

Jeongin woke up and ordered some food, "hello yes I'd like to place an order on take-out, some jjajangmyeon with a side of kalguksu and fresh kimchi" jeongin said while his stomach growled.

"Yes okay, your oder will be freshly made and sent to your door in 15 minutes, have a nice day and thank you for choosing our restaurant BEEP" the employee hung up.

Jeongin sighed and yawned, he was tired still, but he had food on the way so he just waited by watching mukbangs on his phone.

It didn't help with his hunger, but then suddenly his door bell rang and he got up and ran to the door.

Jeongin opened the door but it wasn't food, it was his new neighbor...

"Oh hello ehe... Im Chan your new neighbor, I haven't introduced myself yet so I thought right now would be a good time" Chan said with a cute smile.

Jeongin was a little surprised and disappointed since he was so hungry, "oh yea that's okay, I'm jeongin, and it's nice to meet you" jeongin said with a simple smile holding out his hand.

Chan smirked and shook Jeongin's hand, "it's nice to meet you too, and if it wouldn't cause you any trouble I'd like to hangout with you sometime, I don't have friends yet so I'd like to be friends with you" Chan replied.

Jeongin nodded and they both stopped shaking hands, and then Jeongin's food order arrived "hello this is your order thank you for choosing us" the delivery man said giving jeongin his food.

Jeongin's eyes lit up and he was so happy "thank youuu sir, also Chan sorry but I'm going to eat this right now if you don't mind, I'm really hungry" jeongin said placing the food on the counter.

"Oh yea of course!, Enjoy your meal!" Chan replied nicely and walked nextdoor then went inside, Jeongin closed the door and started opening the food right away.

"Agghh it smells so good!!!" Jeongin got his chopsticks and started digging in, it was so delicious Jeongin finished it in just a couple minutes.

Jeongin plopped on his bed stuffed like a turkey, he was so full he couldn't move, he just laid there till he fell asleep.

Meanwhile he was sleeping, his stalker put his code in the door and sneakily walked in.

As Chan got into Jeongin's apartment he looked around and.

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