William and Vincent's Backstory (Part 2)

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Writer's note:
" " = Characters is Talking
' ' = Character's Thoughts

Vincent POV
"I'm not blushing!!!"
"I didn't say that you're blushing" Tease Y/N
"W- wha-"
"Haha got you, so you do like her? Love in first sight huh?" Tease Y/N
"F-fine, I'll tell you. I don't like her, but she looks familiar"
"Now that you mention it, she's familiar to me. But who's she?" Said Y/N
"Don't ask me, we better go to our class didn't she is at the same class as us?"
"Oh yeah, let's go" Said Y/N

We went to our class, and we see there's a lot of people standing and sitting around the new student. They seems to be asking the new girl but the new girl seems to be uncomfortable. So we decided to help her.

"She seems uncomfortable with people around her" Said Y/N
"What should we do?"
"Let's go ask her out to cafeteria, we could pretend that she's our friend" Said Y/N
"I guess it's a good idea"
"Hey, bestie!!!" Call Y/N to the new girl
"Oh hello, bestie!!!" Said the new girl getting along with our acts
'I can't believe that she really get along with this acting'
"Wanna go to cafeteria?" Ask Y/N
"Why of course!!! Bye everyone, nice to meet you!!!" Said the new girl

We go to the cafeteria, the new girl seems to be happy because she finally free from the students that asking her questions.

"Thank you so much for helping me get away from the students" Said the new girl
"No problem!!!" Said Y/N
"What's your name?" Ask the new girl
"My name's Y/N and this is Vincent!" Said Y/N very excited
"Nice to meet you, I'm Haruka" Said the new girl a little bit nervous and surprised
"Yeah nice to meet you too!" Said Y/N

Suddenly, I saw the new girl named Haruka became quiet. She seems to be shocked, and sad I don't know why but I think I have to ask her.

"Why are you look sad?"
"Oh- Nothing!!! I'm just thinking!!" Said Haruka nervously
"About what?" Ask Y/N
"Uhm... Nothing... I can't tell you!!!"

Then, I noticed something something really familiar. It's her necklace, the same necklace I gave to her. I never know that I would meet her again.

"Yeah?" Said Haruka
"I-it's me Vincent!!! Are you forget about me?!"
"Do you met Haruka before Vincent?" Ask Y/N
"Of course I am! You also met her once Y/N!!!"

Haruka still quiet, she seems to be more shocked than before.

"I-I'm sorry Vincent, Y/N. I guess you already noticed it already" Said Haruka
"Have we met before? I don't remember" Said Y/N
"Y/N, I'm Haruka. The one from junior high school" Said Haruka
"Oh. I'm sorry Haruka, it's just you changed a lot" Said Y/N
"Haha yeah. You guys also changed a lot" Said Haruka
"So, have you met Natasha, Serena and Alice?" Ask Y/N
"No, I didn't met them, they go to another country. They all go back to their home country" said Haruka
"Oh..." Said Y/N

Skip again (My motivation died) TwT

Vincent POV
I'm taking care of William, Jake and Willow right now, our parents out for a while. I called Haruka and Y/N to come over, Haruka gonna come but Y/N can't come because (your pronouns) have to go with (your pronouns) parent. I heard knocking on the door I opened the door and I see Haruka.

"Hello Vincent" Said Haruka
"Hey, come in"
"Where's your siblings?" Ask Haruka
"They at William's room"

Me and Haruka decided to play with William, Jake and Willow. Not long after playing they fell asleep, so I bring them to their room. And I tell Haruka to go to my room.

Haruka POV
I go to Vincent's room, it's so clean. And I decided to have a look of Vincent's room. I found the bathroom besides Vincent's bedroom, I go to the bathroom and I shocked when I realized something weird in that bathroom.

'Is that blood?!'

I checked if that's really a blood, I saw the mirror there's a tiny dirt, but it's not dirt it's blood.

'Why is there blood?!'

I heard Vincent is coming to his room, so I decided to get out from the bathroom.

Vincent POV
After I'm done carrying Willow and Jake to their room, I go to my room. And I see that Haruka just came out from the bathroom. I just hope that I cleaned the blood really clean.
We just playing and talking nothing much we can do, and then I decided to ask her about her necklace.

"Haruka, I have some questions"
"Ask away" Said Haruka
"You have a pretty necklace, where did you get that?"
"Oh... Uhm... Well, this necklace I got this from my childhood best friend. I got to admit that you're really smart to notice that" Said Haruka
"What do you mean?"
"Don't act dumb, I know that you've been thinking about this all along. Since the first time we met again at high school. Right Vince?" Said Haruka
"How? Vince? That's the name that my childhood friend called me. Wait Cupcake?"
"Yup, but please don't call me that" Said Haruka
"Well I still gonna call you cupcake"
"Then, I'll call you muffin. Like the old days" Said Haruka

Haruka laughing at me, I don't know why but I feel my cheeks getting heat.

'Am I blushing?'
"I better go now" Said Haruka
"Oh, okay"

I take Haruka to front door, and she left. I check the clock it's 7 PM now, I decided to go back to my room, but suddenly the weather is change it's raining now. Haruka's house is kinda far away, I decided to take my umbrella and chasing Haruka. I see Haruka walking in rain and stop near the bus stop. I decided to talk to her.

"Huh? Vincent? What are you doing here?" Ask Haruka
"It's raining, your house still kinda far. It's better if you come to my house, I guess my parents wouldn't mind you stay"
"Really? I don't want to trouble you" Said Haruka
"I'm the one that calling you and told you to come to my house, so you didn't troubled me" (RIP GRAMMAR!!)

I decided to bring Haruka to my house, since her house still far away. Even we could just walk to her house, but I don't think I would made it at time before my parents home. We finally arrive.

"Take a bath"
"What?" Said Haruka confused
"Take a bath"
"But I didn't bring clothes" Said Haruka
"You can borrow mine"
"O-okay then, where's the guest room?" Said Haruka
"You'll sleep in my bedroom, you see there's two bed in my room right?"
"Y-yes" Said Haruka

Haruka POV
I feel the heat at my cheek when Vincent said that I'll sleep in his bedroom. I decided to take a shower, after I done I wear Vincent's hoodie it's very comfortable. I go to Vincent's bedroom, and I got in to my bed. I saw that Vincent is already asleep, I decided to not bother him and I turn off the lights.

At 12 AM

Haruka POV
I wake up and saw the time it's 12 AM right now, I wake up because I heard a loud noise from living room. I decided to go to the living room, and checking what's going on. I can't believe what I saw, I saw Vincent protecting William from Oliver, I saw Oliver abusing Vincent and Oliver. I cried, I can't believe it. I saw Oliver came to me, so I run quietly to Vincent's room. After the I saw Oliver go back to his room, I go to William and Vincent they all bleeding, now I know the reason why is there a tiny blood spot at the mirror. I bandaging William and Vincent's wound.

Part 3 coming soon
My motivation died TwT
1350 words

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