ONE- Pilot

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This won't really follow the show Because Elora/Alex is always doing her own thing. Also, some parts may say Alexandra but her name is Alexandria

Alex woke up to her little brother Henry jumping on her bed. "Henry get out." Alex groaned. "You have to take me to school. Mom said." He said. Alex sat up and rubbed her face. "Ok go get dressed and make toast. Is mom already gone?" She asked. He nodded. Alex stood up and walked over to the closet. "Do you want Nutella or butter?" He asked. "Butter." She said. He walked out of his sisters' room while she looked around the closet. She decided on a skirt, some leggings, and a purple sweater (not what's above). She put her clothes on and walked into the other part of the closet. She grabbed some brown boots and put them on them and walked into the bathroom.

She brushed her teeth and hair and put on some lip gloss before walking downstairs. She grabbed the toast Henry had set out for her and took a bite. She looked at the time on her phone. "Henry came in we have to go!" Alex yelled up the stairs. He came running down the stairs and threw his bookbag at the teenager. "Ow, what the hell is in this?" She grunted.

"Books for school." He answered quickly. Alex gave him a suspicious look before she nodded and handed it to him before grabbing the house keys. Henry grabbed his toast and walked behind Alex as she walked to the door. She opened it and pushed Henry outside before closing and locking it.

Alex finished her toast without getting crumbs on herself thankfully as the duo started walking to his school. Alex had graduated early for being top of her class. The siblings continued to walk in silence. Eventually, they arrived at the school where she saw Mary Margaret (Henry's teacher and her close friend) directing kids to class. Alex bent down to Henry's height. "Ok, kid. You have to stay in class today. I don't want to get a call telling me to pick you up early because you ran out of class." She said. He nodded and hugged his sister before running to his class. Alex waved at Mary Margaret and walked away. Little did Alex know that Henry never went to class. He never even went to the school.


"Hey, Ruby." Alex said to one of her close friends as she walked down the street. "Hey, Alex." She said. Alex continued to walk with a smile on her face before she ran into someone. "Sorry!" She said. "Ugh watch where you're goin- oh Hello Lex." The girl's mother said as she pulled her up. "Hi, mom." Alex said smiling at her.

"Henrys at school?" She asked. Alex nodded. "Dropped him off earlier." She explained. "Want to pick up lunch at Granny's and go over to your office?" She asked. Regina nodded. "Sure." She said. "I'll meet you there." Alex said. She walked over to Granny's and opened the door and waved at Granny. "Hey, Lexi." She said. "Hey Gran. Can I get burgers with everything? And a bag of fries with ketchup and Ranch?" She asked her.

She nodded. "$28.63 is your total." She said. Alex handed her a hundred dollars. "Keep it." She said. She wasn't picky about her money. Granny smiled. "I'll have your food right out to you." She said as she gently grabbed the younger girl's hand. Alex sat down at the counter as Granny put a strawberry milkshake in front of her. "Thanks, granny," Alex said as she took a sip of it. Granny smiled and walked into the kitchen. Alex looked outside in a bit of a daze.

"Elora come on!" A British voice said. Alex looked down at him and smiled. "I'm coming you impatient Twat!" She said in an accent of her own. Alex jumped out of the tree and into his arms. "See that wasn't hard." He said. She pushed his head away from the boy. "Shut it, Peter."

"Here you go," Granny said as she put the bags in front of the teen, snapping said girl out of her trance. Alex looked around and didn't see a forest. "Uh, thanks, Gran. I'll see you later." She said as she grabbed the bag and shake. She waved at her and walked out of the diner.

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