19: An Actual Surprise

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Okay, I've hit 233 followers (!!!!!!!) TYSM! What do you guys want as a gift? Your support is more than I could ever ask for and I want to do something that you'd all like, so I need ideas! 

(I feel like I'm asking someone what they want for their birthday, but that is basically the vibe 😅)


Two very different meetings were going on at U.A today. Surprisingly though the reactions of many of the participants were the same. Panic and insecurity. 

Meeting one was something Miki had been studying for since leaving the hospital, an academic diagnostic test. He needed to take it to see if he could join a normal class of kids his age, or if he would need to take some time to make up for the year he lost. Now, although both his foster parents had assured him that the results wouldn't change anything, Miki was insecure. He wanted them to be proud of him, and to have their own time back. He couldn't spend all day in the U.A staff offices forever. 

The test was harder than he thought. the 3 hours he had to complete it seemed like far too little.

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Meeting two was occurring in a room two doors down from Miki's testing room. All U.A staff members had gathered alongside Uraraka and her father, who was the only parent who could take off work that day. 

"Well, lets discuss the obvious." Nezu said, not sparing any pleasantries, "Uraraka Ochaco, you bullied an innocent child into running away from, then spread a baseless rumor that he was a wanted murderer.". 

The student shifted in her chain uncomfortably. "This is not behavior expected of a hero student." The principal said. Uraraka dug her fingers in her legs and nodded, not looking up. "I understand that you two had met before Eraserhead brought him into class, can you elaborate on what happened then?". 

"Yes!" She said, almost too eagerly. "I um," She quieted down now that all eyes were on her. "I was walking home and he used his quirk to paralyze me, then stole my wallet. I was so scared, I didn't know what he would use his quirk to make me do.". 

Nezu nodded. "I understand you were both young at the time, and it would be scary to have someone paralyze you. But as a hero student you are expected to take the higher ground.". Uraraka inhaled through her mouth and nodded again. 

Regret lodged itself in her heart She would probably never stop mourning those lost yen, but with every passing comment from teachers it became more and more clear that she went to far. But, she did think Miki had a good home life at first. She didn't know he was a foster kid. Uraraka told herself that if she had known they were both going hungry, she would have been more sympathetic when she saw him again. 

But she knew that. He had told her at the sports festival, or at least implied it heavily enough for her to know. And she had just dialed it up. 

"What should I do to fix this?" She asked honestly. Everyone sat there stunned, except Uraraka's father. He knew about the initial incident as Ochaco had cried to him, apologizing for losing the money he had given her to buy food. He had held a grudge against the thief too, even tried to walk around the neighborhood to find him that night. 

The situation had changed though. He could make peace with his lost money buying food for a homeless kid, and he knew Ochaco could too, and apparently she had. 

"As your homeroom teacher, I am meant to set the punishment." Aizawa said. Uraraka became visibly nervous. He was Miki's guardian, he was probably beyond pissed at her right now. "Normally I would bar you from hero lessons, but with the exams coming up that would be unfair. To settle the situation, you will apologize to Miki face to face. I have already spoken to Nezu about the setting, and we thought talking over a meal would be best. Other than that you will be cleaning up the classroom at the end of the day by yourself, as a more standard punishment for your actions.". 

Uraraka nodded, a slight smile on her face. She could do this. 

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Later on that evening, the family was sitting on the couch in their apartment, still recovering from Miki's hospital stay and running away. 

Miki had only seen kids movies before, his grandmother didn't like mature themes, and his memory was fuzzy enough already, so they had decided to start with super heroes and go from there. 

Even the cats seemed utterly engrossed in the film, as the bad guy chuckled and killed one of his employees for no reason in particular. Miki took another bite of the popcorn and Hizashi tried not to smile too much. 

Miki was eating with them. He was sharing. Honestly the hero never thought he'd see the day Miki would be able to share his food with others. Maybe he would be able to face them while eating soon. 

Shota had noticed too, but just smiled at his husband fondly and turned back to the movie. A few more minutes passed with just the light and sound of the movie filling the apartment. 

This peaceful atmosphere was broken by Shota's phone loudly ringing with the annoying 80's pop song ringtone they all begged the man to change. He hung up without hesitation and everyone turned their attention to the film. 

They really should have thought about how unusual it was for someone to call this late at night and how that probably meant it was important, but no one considered it. 

The third time it went off, Shota sighed and answered it, walking back towards the office so he didn't bother the rest of them. 

"What is it?" He asked gruffly. He was usually apathetic, but this was an important moment for them.

"Shota! Its me, Hana. I have urgent news on your son-" "Which son?" Shota cut her off. Panic shot through his veins. Was Miki's mom trying to get him back again? Was he being moved to another foster placement? 

"I can already tell you're panicking, its not bad news. I promise." Hana said, a smile audible in her voice. Shota was a little annoyed. His friend was definitely mocking him. 

"What is it then?" He asked slowly, sitting down at his desk. 

"Hitoshi's been approved for adoption." 


"If you file the paperwork tomorrow morning and I fast track the application he'll be yours by next weekend.". 

Continued silence. Hizashi opened the door to the office, giving Shota an 'are you okay?' look. 

"Yes." Was all Shota could say before hanging up. An incredibly fond smile wormed its way onto Shota's face as he embraced his husband. 

"Sho, you're scaring me. What's up?" The blonde man asked, much quieter than normal. Shota leaned in like he was going to kiss his husband but whispered the news in his ears instead. 

He was nearly deafened by the shout of excitement Hizashi's quirk let out. 


Gather round children, watch a mental breakdown in progress. 

The update was a day late, I'm super sorry. I got some wacky news and it screwed everything up. Now I'm behind in my homework! Yay! 

Lets talk about more classical literature for a second. Does A Handmaid's Tale vibe like a budget/rape-y version of The Scarlet Letter to any of you? Like I know the author of A Handmaid's Tale took a lot of inspiration from history and puritan culture but the red, the culture around infidelity, husbands, children and religion are reading as very similar. Its probably just the Christian influences. 

One thing tho is Ofred is a wayyyyy less likable protagonist than Hester. Also Ofred's daughter is dumb and helpless and Pearl threw rocks and shit at people when they insulted her. So yeah. 

Sorry for that if you're not interested in my ✨literary preferences✨! Stay tuned for the next chapter! 

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