1: High, Dry And Just About Ready To Die

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Someone once theorized that to have a good story, you must remove the parents. 

Think about it-how many protagonists have dead, missing or absentee parents? Most of them. 

Obviously Miki's story must be pretty fucking great. To have both parents saddle you with a stupid name and ditch you-now that he considered a talent. His grandmother dying must just be an added bonus. Something to add fuel to the fire. 

He didn't want to be part of this story. Not anymore. 

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Shinso Hitoshi was just trying to walk home. That's what he kept reminding himself as he made eye contact with someone who looked like they were about to bury a body in a ditch. 

Their eyes were black as coal. Their eye bags rivaled his own, looking more like bruises than anything else. A flash of pink crossed their eyes, which Shinso thought was strange. The stranger just mouthed a few words under a black facemask. 

And then he couldn't move. 

He was paralyzed. He made the connection that it was the pink haired stranger that did this to him. The stranger approached, hands leaving his pockets for just an instant before taking Hitoshi's wallet like he was stealing candy from a baby. 

Hitoshi was furious. How dare a villain try to rob him in broad daylight? And to use his quirk to do it! The stranger must not understand the punishment awaiting people who abuse mind control quirks. Just the thought made the student more anxious than he already was. 

"You think you can get away with this?" He said, as loud as he could. The pink haired stranger didn't seem fazed in the slightest. "Yes." He answered. Hitoshi wanted to make him regret answering, but couldn't. 

This may be the weirdest situation they could be in. It seemed that the criminal could feel Hitoshi take control of him mind instantly. But Shinso hadn't ordered him to stop using his quirk. They were controlling each other at the same time and no one could move. 

"Stop using your quirk." They commanded at the exact same time. Both were forced to relinquish control and before Hitoshi could react the stranger bolted, dropping a wallet as he did. The fear in his eyes had been far beyond the reaction most people had to Hitoshi's quirk. He looked terrified, his pitch black eyes blown wide like a wild animal. 

Shinso stumbled over to a brick wall nearby to process what had just happened. He grabbed his phone and noticed the pocket opposite that one was empty. Quickly, he rushed back to where the thief had dropped his wallet only for his heart to sink. 

It was the wrong wallet. 

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"Sho, don't go out. Its late and you have to teach class tomorrow." Hizashi pleaded, chasing his husband to the front door of their apartment. "We've already reported his wallet stolen and reported the incident to the police. Its not a big enough deal to chase after the criminal!". 

"You're irrational, Zashi." Shota said through gritted teeth "He threatened my foster son and he's abusing a powerful quirk. Who knows what the bastard is capable of?". The pro hero finished putting his boots on and opening the door. 

The stress of the upcoming sports festival was already enough for Hitoshi. Whoever did this deserved exactly what was coming to him. Hizashi sighed and took a step back, leaning against the wall. 

"Don't hurt yourself." He said with a soft smile "I don't want to see you all banged up because of some pickpocket with a mental quirk.". Shota softened and kissed his husband's cheek before walking back to the door. 

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