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chapter eighteen

[ season 2 | episode 10 ][ fury ]

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[ season 2 | episode 10 ]
[ fury ]

               WHEN MARLEY GOT HOME FROM LYDIA'S PARTY, she did not expect to leave for the police station an hour later. When her doorbell rang at near two in the morning, thank God Gran wasn't home because she would've absolutely killed everyone involved, including Sheriff Stilinski, she didn't think she would open it to see Scott, Stiles, and said Sheriff on her grandmother's porch. Nor did she expect for them to drag her into Stiles' jeep.

Sitting in the back, with her arm pushed against Scott's, she couldn't help but bounce her leg. Anxiety pulsed throughout her body at the mere thought of catching Matt. Both anxiety and anticipation. She and Scott saw him, standing in the middle of the road with his clothes dripping wet, with the kanima protecting him, and Jackson was the one to pull him from the water, but she still found a way to doubt her theory.

She could feel her mind race with what ifs, every single question sending five more shooting through her brain. Sure, she'd probably seen the killer and his puppet firsthand, and sure there wasn't much anyone could do to disprove it, but what if it wasn't Matt.

In all honesty, she chose to theorize. To preoccupy her mind so that it didn't somehow wander back to the party, where she thought she saw her father dying and bloodied with his heart in her palm. She preferred the anxiety over the kanima rather than the pain of having to relive her father dying. And this time, hearing him tell her that it was her doing.

She shuddered, racing to block out the thoughts of the night. Staring up at the black ceiling of the jeep, she sucked in a shaky breath and refocused her attention on what lied ahead.

"Just relax." It was soft, an inaudible whisper that only traveled through her thanks to the supernatural hearing. Scott's shoulder bumped into hers comfortingly, his whiskey eyes providing a sense of solace. She let his presence dig deep into the dread within her stomach and untangle that knot of nerves.

Closing her eyes and counting to three, she tried to hold on to his calm heartbeat. "I'm trying. I just—" she sighed, squeezing her hand into a tight fist. "I just can't stop thinking." It was true. Despite the silence inside of the vehicle, she was a mess of noise.

His brows furrowed. "About what?"

It took everything to hold back her light scoff. "Tonight. Why did Lydia spike the punch with wolfsbane and why the hell did she disappear? And, how do either of you expect to convince Stilinski about Matt without telling him about the gigantic and murderous teenaged lizard?" Digging her polished fingernails into her spandex leggings while trying not to raise her voice above that low whisper, she focused her eyes on the back of the drivers seat.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐏𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐌.   isaac lahey Where stories live. Discover now