Chapter 3 - The Peace Sign

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“I can do this, I can do this, there’s only three hours left until I’m free.” Violet stared at the clock above the classroom door chanting to herself inside her head. It was the last day of school and the unofficial start of senior year.  It was also the first day of fulfilling the bucket lists. So far, her list consisted of dying her hair purple, getting a piercing and reading Pride and Prejudice to the end.  The book was extremely boring which caused her to fall asleep on the fifth chapter. 

Smiling lightly to herself, she remembered the look her friends had given her when she told them her thoughts on the book. She compared the characters to brainless (except Elizabeth) chicks and Mr. Darcy to an arrogant asshole. They didn’t believe classics authors could write such a clichéd book-Elizabeth being the smart “good” girl, while Mr. Darcy is the “bad” boy.

 She looked at the clock again, finding that her flashbacking didn’t make the clock move any faster. Groaning, she wished she could just skip the rest of the day but her dad would murder her if that happened. Her mom, on the other hand, didn’t really care as long as her grades were decent.

When class ended, she bolted from her seat and ran to her locker wanting to get out of school as soon as possible. She decided to skip her last class seeing as it was Gym. She texted her friends informing them of the sudden change and a second later, she did a happy dance feeling giddy that her friends would be ditching with her too.


“Woohoo! Yes, school has officially ended! No summer school for us either!” Jason was overly excited as people on the street looked at him jumping up and down bouncing higher each time. “Time to start on our bucket lists, so does everyone have theirs?” He looked around at Stacy, Daniel and Violet nodding their heads.

“We’re gonna rip up each goal and stuff them in a hat, every day or two we’re going to reach in and pick a new goal.” Daniel looked around for confirmation.

“Alright, let’s do this!”


“Dude you’re spilling it everywhere! You do know my parents live in this house too right?” Violet glared down at Jason as he was trying to clean up purple hair dye off the bathroom floor. He had managed to get hair dye on the ceiling as well, receiving more than a couple of raised eyebrows at his antics.

The first goal they picked out was “In the future, I’m going to dye my hair purple. Violet” So now, they were currently mixing deep purple hair dye as well as bleach to smear on her hair. She was excited but also scared. What if the dye didn’t come out right and she was left with a nasty green shade of hair? Her parents would flip shit either way.

“You ready?” Jason asked holding up the container of bleach.

She nodded.

An hour later, she came out of the shower and blow-dried her hair without looking in the mirror. She grimaced at the mess of purple in the sink, on the counter and on the walls. Sighing, she went outside to get her friends to clean it up but was instead met with gasps of amazement.

“Holy shit, you look like Katy Perry in her Wide Awake video.” Stacy commented.

Wrinkling her nose at music reference but feeling happy that she received such a hair compliment. She grinned and went back to the bathroom to check her hair. It was a deep purple that looked violet under the warm light.

“Oh, wow, I look like an anime character…I would say that that is very cool, but I hate anime.”

Going back to her waiting friends, she grinned and rubbed her hands together. “Okay, whose goal are we pulling out now?”

“Here,” Daniel held out the hat to her. She rummaged in there for a couple of seconds before pulling one out.

“Okay, this says, ‘I want to get a tattoo, Jason

“WHAT?!” The other two friends shouted.

“Oh, Jason,” Violet mused “I always knew you were a bad boy at heart. You sometimes temper shows it quite well. And you two are quite oblivious.”

“Shut up!” Daniel and Stacy blushed at the comment.

“Okay guys, let’s go get you a tattoo, in a really hard to see place.”


“You want a peace sign under your arm? Are you turning into a Bob Marley listening hippie? I don’t have anything against Bob Marley or John Lennon or anything, in fact I really like John Lennon and the Beatles but do you really want to have a peace sign tattooed on your skin? What are your kids and grandkids going to say later on in life? What is your mom going to say when she wants to check your biceps or want to see how much armpit hair you have? Oh my god, are you taking drugs? You’re not smoking weed or shooting heroin are you, because that would be really bad. You know you’re not as clumsy as before, you seem way calmer. Oh my, you are smoking weed. No, no, of course you’re not, that would never happen.  A peace sign, really? Maybe we should pi—”

“Stacy, stop rambling. I think a peace sign is perfect because it’s a sign of hope in this dark, power corrupted world.” Violet fully supported Jason wanting a peace sign flashing him a reassuring smile. “But I know you really like punk music, so do you want to get a second tattoo of a skull and crossbones? You have no idea how awesome that would be.”

“Guys,” Jason reminded them, “I’m already sitting in the chair. The dude is preparing his gun, so there’s not much time to argue about it now. Violet, thanks for bringing that up, I actually do want to get a skull tattoo, which is why I have the perfect design in my pocket, see?”

“I. Love. You. You’re having the All Time Low skull inked? You are officially my favorite person in the world.”

“Aww, I love you too. Now be prepared to watch me grimace in pain for a good couple of hours.”


So, ow, this looks, shit, pretty, shit, cool, *groan*, right? Jason was swearing and groaning in pain under his breath as the artist was finishing his skull and crossbones tattoo on his hip.

“Yeah, it looks amazing, and I’m not saying this just to flatter you, though your ego is a little too small for a man.” Daniel teased smirking slightly.

“Well, sorry for not meeting your man expectations, but girls appreciate small egos. It's no wonder you repel girls like bug spray.”

”OOOOH, BURN!” Stacy and Violet shouted at the same time to Daniel.

“Shut up…”

After getting Jason’s tattoos wrapped up, The trio plus one stepped out into the warm June air. They all stopped, admiring the blue sky without a cloud in site. It was around six in the evening and they remembered that school ended only a little more than three hours ago. They all smiled at each other and started walking.

Somewhere in Neverland started blasting out of Violet’s phone startling them all. She look at the screen which displayed “Mom”.

“Hey mom, what’s up?”

“Hey honey, you might wanna come home…”


Hi guys! thanks to the few people who do read my book. you guys are awesome. I'm sorry if i have been updating too slow. lots of homework to do.

Eva :p

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