행복감 #003

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We finished our dinner around 8 pm and after that, things decided to go back to our dorm then tomorrow we will continue what we are practicing since Jungkook is tired, he is sleeping at the back of our van and so is Namjoon hyung. Jhope hyung is with Jin hyung and Jimin hyung beside me, saying silly things and I think only the four of us are noisy because Suga hyung has his little world in front, sitting beside manager hyung who is driving.

“Bubble? That's the word you say when you are amazed or when you can't believe something. Unbelibubble.” Jin hyung said and as expected, Jimin and Jhope hyung laughed at his joke. Together with Jungkook and I thought he is sleeping.

“Another one! What's the word you say when you are hurt?” Jin hyung asked and Jimin hyung is stopping himself to laugh.

“What is it?” Suga hyung seriously asked which caused us to be quiet and wait for the answer.

“aaaaaaahhhh!” Jin hyung shouted like a girl. Everyone laughed at him except Suga hyung and Namjoon hyung woke up because of him, throwing the small pillow on his face.

“What is a world—” I said and Jimin hyung is laughing like there's no end of it.

“You want another one? What's the—” Jin hyung's words were cut off because of Suga hyung.

“Better stop yourself saying nonsense words or else I'll push you out of this van.” Suga hyung said and I laughed together with Jhope hyung because of that.

“Do you also want to, Taehyung-ah?” Suga hyung asked me and this time Jhope hyung unlocked the door.

“Not interested, hyung,” I replied, stopping myself from laughing.

“Lock that door, Jhope.” Namjoon hyung said and Jhope hyung just followed what he said.

These hyungs are being crazy again, well except for Suga hyung which I think he is kinda pissed off. While heading back into our company, I saw beautiful scenery. I can't believe this. They are magnificent, I think all the praising words suit what I am seeing. My hyungs attention is on their gadgets that's why they didn't even bother to look outside the window.

“Manager hyung! Stop the van!” I shouted which caused him to stop the car as soon as I said to stop.

“Is there a zombie, a ghost?!” Jhope hyung said with his scared voice.

“What the f***.” Suga hyung said, he said it. The holy F word.

“What happened?!” Namjoon hyung worriedly said to me.

“What is it, V hyung?” Jungkook asked.

“Look outside the window,” I mumbled softly and all of them did do what I said. They are all amazed too.

“Woah. Let's go outside!” Jhope hyung happily said, wearing his jacket, and puts his phone in his pocket then quickly opened the door.

“Wait! I didn't say yes!” Manager hyung said but we just ignore him as we follow Jhope hyung and go outside too.

“These lights from the city are the best for me. They are like stars, like scattered moondust in the sky. Flickering, sparkling, and shining brightly. But they all do vanish when their time comes.” I said softly as sit, making sure that the things will not hear it but I was wrong. He heard it.

“Yes, they are.” Jungkook said, sitting beside me.

“Yah! Maknae lines are having a date eh?” Jin hyung shouted and runs towards our place, making the other members look at us.

“Incoming!” Jhope hyung also shouted, running too. Together with Jimin hyung and Namjoon hyung. Suga hyung just walks towards us but Jhope hyung noticed him which makes him stop running and quickly pull Suga hyung that makes him no other choice but to run too.

“It hurts! Stop! holy mother f—” Suga hyung said.

“Andwae! Andwae!” Both I and Jungkook shouted as the hyungs lean on toward us. Causing me in the bottom then Jungkook, Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung, Jimin hyung, Suga hyung, and Jhope hyung on top.

“Eommaaa~ Help me!” Jimin hyung uttered while Suga hyung keeps saying words that aren't appropriate to hear, making us laugh even though we are like this.

“Save me! Manager hyeoong!” I said they are all heavy. I'm dying, can't take this anymore! Crazy things.

“Aaaaahhh!” Jin hyung shouted just like before in our van.

“F***! Get off me, Jung Hoseok!” Suga hyung cussed at Jhope hyung. That's right hyung, what a lifesaver.

“Take photos of us, Manager-nim!” Jhope hyung happily said.

“What the-” Jungkook mumbled.

“Someone! Help me! Get off! Get off!” I repeatedly said to them.

“Just bear it a little longer, Taetae!” Jhope hyung said as manager hyung get his phone, taking a lot of picture of us seven.

“Alright, That's enough. Let's go back,” Manager hyung said while looking at the photos as he walks back to our van. “Better run for your life, Hoseok. Suga will surely kill you, more like your members.”

“Thanks for reminding us.” Suga hyung replied, grabbing Jhope hyung's shirt as he pinches his tummy making him stand up.

“Finally!” I said as I stand up too. Poor Jhope Hyung, getting punished by them. This is the best night for me, another great memory to remember.

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