Chapter Fifteen: Long Night

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As soon as Alucard arrived inside with the unmoving Cristine in his arms, they were stopped by Greta." Oh, now you decided to come back. You have some... Explaining to...", she became shocked and lost at words the moment she saw him covered in blood and holding the unconscious woman in his arms that was covered in equal amounts of blood.

Alucard stared down at his beloved with pity. He then looked to Greta as she asked," What the Hell happened? Who is this? What happened to her?".

" I will explain later, for now, your people may rest in the castle for the night. The rain is too heavy to make any shelter, it's likely almost tomorrow.", he told her as he walked past her and went up the stairs and then into the halls.

Greta said nothing more and allowed them on their way. She heard and then helped her people settle in the place.

Meanwhile, Saint Germain observed the couple from afar." Why does the girl look so familiar?", he wondered. He would likely see the woman tomorrow if he could.


A couple of hours later...

With a groan and heavy head, Cristine's eyes have finally opened. She lifts herself into a sitting position and looks at her surroundings, finding herself back in her and Alucard's room in her nightgown, all cleaned from the blood and mud as if nothing had happened at all. "Was it all a dream?", she wondered.

Feeling something around her waist, she looks down to find an arm. She turned to her right to find Alucard sleeping beside her, holding her close as he usually would when they lay together.

She smiled upon the sight of his sleeping face, happy to see him again. She then reached over carefully to stroke his cheek. His eyes immediately opened wide once he felt her soft but cold fingertips on his skin. He looked up and saw her awaken from so many hours of being unconscious.

He then pinned her against the bed frame, surprising her." Alucard, what--" before she could even ask his lips muffled her from speaking. She immediately fell into the kiss and wrapped her arms around him. He then pulled away after a minute to give them both air. Their chests rose and fell from their heavy breathing.

Cristine slipped one of her hands on his right cheek and kissed his lips again. She moaned under the kiss as she felt one of his hands massaging her left breast. Once they stopped again, he told her against her lips," I missed you terribly."

" And I missed you awfully.", she returned before placing her forehead against his. They both shut their eyes and stayed in that position for a moment.

" When did you come back?", she asked him.

" This morning, but you were gone.", he answered her," It took me until nightfall to search for you."

Her eyes shot wide open as she gasped, beginning to realize that what had happened was no dream at all. She placed a hand on her mouth as tears began to stream from her eyes. She was almost violated again in the same year or possibly a month. The trauma from the first attempt came back.

His arms immediately wrapped around her body to comfort her, she leaned into her lover's chest. Alucard then kissed her head and slowly stroked her back as she wept.

She slowly looked up at him with watery eyes." Is it true then? Was it me who slaughtered them?", she questioned," Am I a monster?".

With both hands holding her face, he told her," You were only protecting yourself. You cannot say you are a monster for that.". Though he wasn't sure if it was completely her, this was the best way he could put it for her. He didn't want to cause her any further stress.

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