Chapter Twelve: Urgent Message

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Note: Now onto Season 4



For most of these past weeks or months or so, Adrien(or Alucard rather) and I had been doing almost nothing more than making love. We've been starting to talk again like we used to. Even though we became closer, I felt like something was missing in our new life or something that wasn't right. It felt like something was happening soon, something big. Possibly more than one thing. But it wasn't just that either, recently I have been getting strange dreams. Not like nightmares as terrifying as they would be to anyone, but it was more like someone was calling me or telling me something. I was at a loss at this point. I have been wanting to tell Alucard about these things but I could never really find the words to describe them.

However, I still enjoyed the things as they are now with Alucard. It was almost enough to distract me from those thoughts.

But as time passed, the thoughts became worse, they were even becoming nightmares.


One night, after "performing" one of our little intimate rituals, we lay together in his bed in our usual positions. I would lay my head on his chest and place my hand on his heart, while he had his arm around my waist and held my hand with his free one.

Normally, I would just fall asleep then and there, but I couldn't. I was too troubled with the many thoughts going through my head. I didn't want to see them in my dreams again.

" What's wrong?", I heard a familiar voice say that brought me back to reality.

" Hm?", I looked up to where I heard the voice. Of course, the voice belonged to my darling Alucard, who was currently looking down at me with a serious but concerned look on his face.

" Something's on your mind, I can tell.", he responded.

" How can you tell?", I asked him with my head slightly tilted to the side.

" Well for starters, you haven't been smiling as often as you used to; even though it was likely caused back when Taka and Sumi were still breathing, you have been up at night longer than usual, and you're not eating as much, not to mention that you've been talking in your sleep recently.", he told me," You've been doing that for a while now."

The corner of my lips turned to a frown as I laid my head on his chest again. I could already feel that he was looking at me with more concern as I felt his hand grasp a little more tightly on my own but he still was gentle with me as he always was with me.

" A lot of things have been going through my head. I have been feeling strangely a little scared...", I told him truthfully as I turned my head to him," Like something coming soon... Possibly a lot of things. Even my dreams are telling me."

" Describe them to me if you can.", he told me in his usual gentle tone," Or at least one of them, I don't like it when you are troubled."

" Well, one of them was like this: I was back at the cottage, but as before I was alone. I was just getting out of my bed and wearing nothing but white as if I was about to be married, only there was no ring nor anything floral. You weren't even there, nobody was.," I started in a gentle tone but also tried to think of the words to describe it," The sky was all dark outside, not even stars were out. But there was a fire in the distance. I walked out of the cottage to investigate, but when I did the forest was decaying; turning into ashes and blood into the air as I got closer."

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