The Play

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Aerith and Cloud began to make their way into the theater. Aerith was amazed at how huge the stage was. The stage here was much larger compared to the ones that were in Midgar. The seats were beautiful, each one was covered with a beautiful maroon upholstery with intricate designs sewn with gold thread. Aerith and Cloud sat down, as the lights began to dim. Then lights lite up the stage, and a man who looked like the director, walked onto the stage.

"Good evening boys and girls!" The director replied, as the audience began to applaud him. "For tonight's performance, I'll need two people from the audience. Let's see... how about you to!"

At that moment, a light shined on Aerith and Cloud. Aerith began to jump up and down cheering like a little girl wanting ice cream.

"Come on, Cloud! Let's do it!" Aerith said with excitement.

"I don't know-" Cloud replied.

"It'll be fun! Trust me!" Aerith responded as she pulled Cloud out of his seat, and they made their way up to the stage.

"And what are your names?" The director asked.

"Aerith and Cloud." Aerith said for the both of them.

"Okay, so here's how it all goes. the show is all improve so just do whatever you think will suit the plot of the story, got it?" replied the director.

"Got it!" Cloud and Aerith replied simultaneously.

Without another word, the whole theater went dark. Then the stage lit up again, but this time there was scenery on the stage, along with a castle like set piece. The director of the theater explained that the princess, played by Aerith, was kidnapped by the grand wizard, which was being played by the director. The grand wizard locked the princess in a tower and had it being guarded by a monster. At that moment, a noble knight, played by Cloud, entered riding upon a golden chocobo prop.

"Help me! Help me! Somebody please save me!" Aerith yelled from high up in the castle.

"My lady! I have come to slay the hideous monster and I've come to rescue you from the evil clutches of the grand wizard!" Cloud the Knight announced, as he dismounted from his trusty steed.

"Mwhahaha!" Screamed the grand wizard. "You'll never get past my monster! Go my beast! Destroy him."

Unafraid, Cloud the Knight wielded his prop sword, and battled the monster. The two of them clashed back and forth, until Cloud gained the upper hand, and he slayed the monster.

"Looks like your little plan failed, grand wizard!" the knight announced, as he pointed his sword at the grand wizard.

"I will not be easily defeated!" Shouted the grand wizard.

The grand wizard and Cloud clashed back and forth. The grand wizard tried every dirty trick he could think of, but he couldn't gain the upper hand against the knight. Cloud knocked the staff out of his hands and landed the final blow.

"You have defeated me." Announced the grand wizard with his dying breath.

Cloud sheathed his sword, and made his way into the castle to rescue the princess. Cloud rescued the princess and escorted her out of the castle, and placed her upon his golden chocobo. The two of them then rode off into the sunset, and the stage went dark. When the lights came back on, the audience to clap and cheer, Cloud, Aerith, and the director took their bows. The director shook both Cloud and Aerith's hand to thank them for being a part of the show.

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