A Friendly Chat

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Cloud was lean out the window of his room at the Gold Saucer. There were absolutely no clouds in sight, as the stars began to light up the night sky, the full moon shown brightly down from above. While looking up Cloud began to get a headache and at that moment a vision showed in his mind. In the vision, he saw what looked to be pastures, there was also a lighthouse off in the distance. Cloud looked around to see someone dragging him, but as he turn to try an get a look at the person carrying him, the vision vanished. Cloud went into the bathroom and splashed some water into his face. Going back into the bedroom, after he got done drying off his face, there was a knock at his door.

"It's opened." Cloud replied.

The doorknob turned and the door began to open. Cloud was surprised to find that it was Aerith. Cloud noticed that she had this cheerful look on her face. For some odd reason, Cloud felt a little bit better.

"Oh, hi Aerith. What's up?" Cloud asked, as Aerith sat down at the foot of the bed across from him.

"Not much." Aerith replied.

The two of them were at a stalemate, neither one of the knowing what to say next. Cloud looked to the left, while Aerith looked to the right. Both of them then began to tap their toes and their fingers simultaneously. Cloud then began to whistle and Aerith began to hum.

"Um-" Both of them saying it at the same time.

"No, you go first-" Both of them saying it at the same time again.

"Okay, I was wondering if you wanted to go do something together?" Aerith asked, as her cheeks began to go bright red.

"What did you have in mind?" Cloud replied.

"Well, this place has its own theater, why don't we go see a performance. They've got one starting in 10 minutes." Aerith said, her hands began to start shaking.

"Sure, but maybe we should see someone first, your hand is shaking uncontrollably." Cloud replied, concerned for Aerith's wellbeing.

"No, I'm alright. It only happens when I'm nervous, that's all. See, its stopped on its own." Aerith replied.

Aerith got up and stretched her arms high into the sky, letting out a huge sigh of relief as she looked back at Cloud with a smile.

"Shall we get going?" Aerith asked.

"Sure, but should we tell the others where we're going?" Cloud replied.

"Nah, don't even bother. They're all asleep in the next room." Aerith replied, "We all had a tiring day today."

So the two of them left on their way to the main entrance so that they could take the tube system that went from their to the theater. There were different tubes there, each one of them going to a different area of the amusement park. Spotting the tube that lead to the theater, Cloud prepared to jump, but before he could Aerith grabbed him by the arm.

"Let's go there together!" Aerith said to him with excitement.

"Um... okay?" Cloud replied with a confused look on his face.

Aerith smiled as they both prepared to jump into the tube, and with a deep breath as well as holding onto each others hand they jumped in. Both of them began to scream with excitement as they went up, then down, then left, then right, and then they finally arrived at the theater.

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