it was different with him (chapter two)

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February 17th, 2017 (two months before the fire)

"I'm sorry, but The Great Gatsby is not a nerdy book! It's a classic," I raise my eyebrows, crossing one leg on top of the other.

"Nah, literally anything's better than that piece of trash," Koa scoffs.

"Really?" I chuckle, "'Piece of trash' is the best retort you have?"

He nods smugly, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.

I met this boy an hour ago, and I feel like I've known him forever. We've been talking ever since we wound up at the same table in the same coffee shop, and it kinda feels like fate. It's different with him. He's different. I know that's pretty cliche, but it's true. He makes my stomach fill with butterflies, he makes me nervous and excited all at once. But mostly nervous.

"So..." Koa leans forward with a smirk, resting his chin on his hand, "Any special girl in your life?"

I blink, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Girls? Nah..." I laugh shyly, setting my coffee mug on the table. "...What about you?"

"Nope. And all the boys in this city are straight," He pouts, blowing a strand of hair out of his face.

It takes all of my might not to spit my coffee out.

"Hm," I say instead, eyebrows raised.

Before he can respond, a phone starts to ring. Koa grabs his from his pocket, groans, and taps the screen a few times.

"Looks like I've gotta go. It was great meeting you," He stands up and pulls his backpack over his shoulder, smiling.

"Yeah... you, too." I say softly.

Koa nods and turns around to walk away, but doesn't take a step. He turns back around and pauses.

I cock my head, raising my eyebrows.

"...Do you want to exchange numbers?"

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