Unexpected Arrival

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"Does he like her back?" Jane asks. "Not sure. But, from what I see yeah." Kayla answers. "Ugh." Jane mumbles. *20 minutes pass by and the group is about ready to go home and they all go to the car* "Hey Mila I have a question." Jane says. "What's up?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" "No... why?" Mila responds. "Has anyone asked you out?" Jane asks. "Yeah but not recently, can I ask why your asking this?" Mila responds. "No, it's just you gotta take what you get especially with that hair of yours. Try curling it, this look is not it." Jane says rudely. "JANE." Zaiden says loudly. "Don't worry, Mila I love your hair the way it is." Zaiden says. *Jane coughs and says "Get a room"* "Thanks..." Mila says. "Are you alright, Mila?" Chantelle whispers. "Yeah, I'm fine, but what is wrong with Jane? Did I say something wrong to set her off or do something?" Mila says. "I don't know, she doesn't normally say things like that." Chantelle responds. *Mila sighs* *Time passes by and they arrive to Milas house* "So, I'll see you guys later?" Mila says. "For sure." Kayla says. *She walks to her front doorstep and goes inside* "Hey hun, how was it?" Mila's mom asked. "It was fun until the car ride, that part was a little questionable." "What do you mean?" "My friend Jane said something uncalled for and not gonna lie, it really hurt my feelings." Mila said. "Oh, love. It's alright, she was probably just having a bad day. Did you say anything wrong to her to make her react that way?" Milas mom said. "Not that I know of, I would never try to intentionally hurt someone." "I know you wouldn't doll, and that's okay, just know that tomorrow a new day and what do I always say about new days..?" "Each day is a second chance." Mila says while smiling. "That's right. Now get to bed, you have work tomorrow, remember?" "Right, I'll go to bed now. Thank you, mom." "No problem, butterfly." *The next day comes and Mila gets ready for work* *She gets in her car and starts driving to work* "Hey Mila." Zaiden says. "Hey!" "I just wanted to ask if your alright after yesterday, we could all tell you were hurt by the comment Jane made. I don't know what's gotten into her." "Oh thanks but i'm fine, it's no problem. I get it, we all have bad days." Mila said. *Zaiden smiles back at her* "How is she so beautiful and kind? It's usually one or the other.. not both.." Zaiden says in his head. *Time passes by and work ends* "Mila I have a quick question.." Zaiden says. "Yeah?" "Are you free tomorrow night? Say, 8 pm?" Zaiden asked. "Yeah, why?" "Do you maybe wanna hang out? Just us?" Zaiden asked. "Are you asking me out, Zaiden Miller?" Mila said while smiling. "It seems I am, Mila Cassadine." "And my answer is yes. Of course I will hang out with you." Mila said. "Great, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8." "Okay!" "OH MY GOD! THANK YOU GOD!" Mila says in her head while she is driving home. *Next day at 7 pm* *Someone knocks at the door* "Is that Zaiden already?" *She goes downstairs and opens the door* "MICHAEL?" Mila shouted.


Who is Michael and who is he to Mila? Is he an ex of Milas? Will Zaiden see this?

Authors note: In this chapter you see Mila's mom (Nina) say "Butterfly" as she's referring to Mila. The reason she calls Mila butterfly is because of her beauty and freedom. Mila has always been free-spirited and naturally gorgeous inside and out, all of what a butterfly is. Just thought that might be a little confusing to some readers! Hope it's more simple to understand! See you next chapter!

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