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"home..?" ghostbur asks

"home." mumza responds with a big warm smile on her face

"whats it like?" ghostbur asks, a bit sniffly

"well you are about to see, and besides, i wouldn't want to ruin the fun!" mumza responds, trying her very best to hold back tears of joy for seeing her son again, the one she truly knew

"ok, can i ask one question?" ghostbur asks, stilly sniffly

"of course child." mumza responds holding tight onto ghostburs hand

"is it as pretty as L'Manburg? at least the one tubbo rebuilt?" ghostbur asks, tears in his eyes

mumza looks at him with a warm smile, tears of joy in her eyes

"yes ghostbur, its just as pretty as L'Manburg, the one you were part of." she responds, giving him a great, warm, hug.

"and you said its... home?" ghostbur asks

"yes my child, its home, just take a look." mumza responds, gesturing her hand towards a great, big field filled with beautiful blue flowers, just like the ones ghostbur picked in L'Manburg.

ghostbur runs over into the field with nothing but joy being able to touch the blue flowers again, he grabs a handful and brings it over to mumza with a big smile on his face

"look! look! my blue!" he cries with only joy, forgetting all the sad that has happened to him 

"i see, my child i see! do you like it here?" she asks taking the flowers from him

"yes! i love it here! i wish i could show friends this! and glatt... they were good friends. i liked them a whole lot" he says with a little less happy and a little more sad

"well... would you like to see something that might make you feel better?" she asks holding her hand out for him to grab

"... ok as long as it makes me happy, ok! what is it?" he asks, taking her hand

"follow me." she says while starting to walk with him

they walk upon a little cottage with a light on inside and through the window ghostbur can see there is a fire lit in the fireplace 

they walk inside and

"GLATT!! FRIEND!!" ghostbur yells with noting but joy in his heart

his friends are there

it doesn't matter that hes not with everyone else alive

it doesn't matter that hes forever in limbo

the only thing that matters is that his friends and mum are there in front of  him

glatt and friend and mum were there

and thats what matters 

thats all that matters




hope you enjoyed! this was my first fic so let me know how i could improve and yea! if you enjoyed all i ask is that you share it with a friend and thats it =]

have a good day, drink some water, and have a snack < 3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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