"lost friend"

9 0 0

he went out early in the morning, going the way glatt always went. hoping that glatt would show up, maybe even call out for him

but there was no response.

it had gotten late, but ghostbur wanted to find him. he stayed out as long as he could but he had to go back soon because friend was still there and he had to stay with friend.

he walked back feeling awful about not being able to find him

on his way back he passed where the train would be and heard it

he heard the song

theres a reason

London puts barriers on the tube line

theres a reason

London puts barriers on the rails

theres a reason

London puts barriers on the tube line

theres a reason

they fail

that was it.

that was the end of the song.

that was the end of the song that wasn't very long, wasn't very happy, but he felt nothing but joy after hearing it finish. joy because he heard some one singing it at the end. it wasn't glatt, it wasn't the mean man he had a glimpse of while the train went away, and it wasn't dream.

he turned to find the voice, and there he saw...

"mum?" he calls out

"yes my child?" she responds

"is... is it really you?" he asks with an unsteady breathing

"yes it is my child, come here." she responds putting her hand out for him to grab

"wanna go somewhere nice?" she asks him as he floats along with her, holding her hand so tight but it felt like a feather

"yes... yes please... where are we going?" the ghost asks 

"we are going home." she responds, with a soft and sweet smile on her face



hi so its been awhile lmao sorry its been so long ive been very busy with school starting and wanting to figure out where i want this fic to go but i do finally have a place where i want it to go but unfortunately the next chapter will most likely be the last =/ ive had fun writing this fic and i hope you have had fun reading it but its finally coming to a close which i hope is ok =] anyways yea hope you enjoy the next chapter ( also before you do go get some water and a snack < 3 )

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