She shifted!

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Jasmine's POV

I woke up the next morning with a bump on my head and a bad headache. I was in my fathers castle and couldn't remember how I got there. I got up and changed into dark blue Levis and a blue american eagle shirt. I walked out of my room and toward the dinner hall it was ten minutes till my father normally ate breakfast.

I knocked and then walked into the dinning hall, when I entered I saw my mate blake and his fathers pack rising dawn pack. I wanted to run and jump into my mates arms and I wanted him to kiss me but my father was in the room.

"Good morning jasmine how are you feeling" he asked.

"God morning father and fine, um.... What's alpha McCarthy's pack doing here and where's Annabelle" I asked.

"Thank heavens your ok my Lady I thought you wouldnt remember us" said my butler Henry.

"I have know idea what your talking about and I don't think I want to know but its good to know you missed me" I said. I was really confused by what he just said but I ingirened it.

"Your little sister is fine and I invited alpha McCarthy pack here because there the only pack in the royal nation who know how to kill vampires and I've decided that we're going to war with the vampires they attacked three packs and killed the woman and children of those packs while the men where out trying to chase down the vampire that attacked your sister and her husband" he explained.

"Did the vampires kill them?" I asked.

"No there both fine and there coming to stay in the castle and so is her husbands family they will be arriving any time now" he said.

Then as if right on cue my older sister, her husband Chase and his family walked into the room. My insides started to boil and I let out a growl and could feel my body heating up.

"Jasmine are you ok" my sister Hannah asked.

"Hannah get away from that man now" I growled.

"Jasmine this is my husband its ok calm down" she explained.

"Hannah get away from him now!!!" I yelled.

"Jasmine stop it now" my father yelled.

Then Chase stepped forward. "Princess Jasmines its ok I'm not going to hurt your sister she's my wife k wouldn't hurt her I promise I know it must be hard for you to except it but its ok I'm sure we will come to know each other better" he said.

Then it happened all at once I felt my bones brake and rebrake into different places. I fell to the ground and my body felt like it was melting andall I could do was listen to my bones brake and feel my skin melt off.

"HELLLP ME SOMEBODY HELP!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I closed my eyes and then everything went black all at once. I was still conscious and could hear people yelling my name but I couldn't get my body to respond it just wouldn't listen.

When I opened up my eyes again I saw blake looking at me he looked so scared. I spun around and saw him that vampire. I will kill him. I lunged myself at my sister husband Chase but he dodged me.

"Jasmine calm down you've just shifted you need to take it easy or your going to pass out" someone yelled.

I invited them and went at him again this time my claws raked across his back and drew blood. I smiled with pride this would be easy I'll take him down with the next blow I though to myself. I ran at him and lunged myself toward this throat, then someone hit me while I was in the air and I was flung into the wall. I got up and shaked off the pieces of drywall off of me and looked around to see who got in my way and it was my sister. She was in her wolf form and standing guard by Chase. Everyone else in the room had shifted to.

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