//The Blood red eyes //

11 2 0

(Short chapter, this picture ain't mine) 

Trigger warning: Horror , cursing 


It was already quite late at night when I watched anime on my phone. I wasn't usually awake during these times, but I wasn't tired yet. I felt like someone was staring at me ..

"I should probably look what time is it ." I muttered to myself and looked at the clock on the phone screen.

It was already 00.00 pretty late it would probably be better to go to bed or else I wouldn't be able to go to school. I don't quite like school, but I also don't want to be late for school.

I felt my room temperature drop. It was pretty normal for this to happen because our house used wood heating which means we have to practically lit a fireplace. Whenever my dad and mom come home they do this, but now I start to worry a little. Not that I can't light a fireplace, but I'm worried about my parents. Everything bad has happened in this forest. For example, Someone has been murdered, kidnapped, or lost in the forest. Pretty weird, isn't it?

"... Where the hell is my mother and father?..."


I lay in a dark room and stared at my cell phone. Two lgbtq tickets hung in my room.

There were a lot of homophobic people in this country and I don't think it's a very good thing. My bed was in the corner of my room with three big pillows and pink sheets. I like some of the pink color. I also had a desk and a good computer where I often did school assignments or watch Youtube / play horror games.

There was a big floor lamp next to my desk. I haven't bought a bookshelf yet, but my parents said I would get it after summer camp. The reason I need a bookshelf is that I have accumulated many books over time. I know I could sell them to make money but I think keep them. After all, I have a little sister who likes to read books more than I do.

I curled up in a light blue blanket and started sleeping.

"... I hope my father and mother come home tomorrow..."

I dreamed of a summer camp how all would go well. In my dream, I chatted with my best friend about our summer plans until I heard a voice. It just sounded like a broken window.

I woke up and saw my window right in pieces. There was also a big stone on the floor. At least so big that it could have broken the glass window.

"... Who could do that...?

There was no one living in our neighborhood except me and Akane.

I don't think it's Akane she wouldn't behave this way, at least I don't think so.

Maybe I should take a look if there are clues in the forest.

You never know.

I got up from the bed and walked towards frontdoor.

I walked to the front door of my house and saw a white letter there with red spots.

Those spots still looked pretty clear. I turned my gaze to the forest and heard something move in the depths of the forest. I looked towards the forest still and saw Blood Red eyes staring at me. I did not see properly who it was, but judging by the character...

"... Was it even a human..."?

In the midst of my thoughts, I didn't notice when that mystical figure disappeared into the depths of the forest.

I decided to go back to my house. In the kitchen I took a cup of water and sat at the table.

I wondered for a moment what time it was. I took my cell phone from my pocket and the clock showed 1am.

I went to my own room and went to sleep.

"... What will happen next? ..."


(Authors notes)

Well hello there! Nik here nice to see yall here.

Oreo and Me have been sick lately , but i decided make another chapter for Ya

So I hope there was enough of my type of horror.

I'm sorry if this was a bit bad.

Alright we'll see again in chapter 4!

Stay tuned :)

Made by: Nik aka (@Dumnbitch89)

Word count: 693 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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