-A chance-

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After receiving the news you would be taking on one of the most powerful harbingers to get a chance to become one, you immediately started preparing, you did some warm ups and training to ensure you had the best chance of winning, after setting up camp near the golden house, where it would take place, you took the few things you needed, some food- some for defense, some for attack and some to make sure you wouldn't get tired, some medical equipment- only a little but who knows how badly you would get injured, and finally, your polearm, cant forget that of course! 

After you had everything you needed, you headed to the golden house, you were nervous, obviously, but inside you was a spark of hope, something in you just knew you would win.

I guess we really are doing this, your brain was running at light speed as you approached the extravagant building, it really was gold, and from what you knew, the inside was even more fancy. You nervously opened the giant doors, hands shaking slightly as you did this, you noticed the convenient lack of milileth guarding the place but your best guess was childe had already dealt with them. Once you were inside and were able to take a look around, it was amazing, you were in awe of all the mora that was stacked up in the building, it was magnificent, but you were quickly snapped out of your trance

"Well, you actually came huh? Most travelers would have backed out now and hey, you still have the chance, but this will either be a ticket to what you want, or a long walk back to where you came." The familiar voice you knew as childe spoke, gliding into your vision as he said this

"Of course I came, im not giving up now, plus, say I were to loose, wouldn't you just kill me? You say a walk back home as if im not fighting for my life." You said to the redhead in front of you, you were both preparing for a battle, this part was almost like the conditions, of said battle.

"Oh, I wont kill you, traveler, ill just play along, to feel the thrill of battle!" He exlaimed pulling out his bow  and firing a few shots, you were quick enough to dodge them, and you pulled out your polearm in the process, it was on, a key to everything you wanted.

You both fired attacks at each other, making the most of the space you had, you could tell childe was going easy on you when you began, but he soon would realize you weren't the person to go easy on. You had successfully managed to land a good amount of hits on him, you realized you had the upper hand, since childe had a hydro vision, and you had cryo, you were able to freeze him when you found a chance, so you used this to your advantage.  you saw childe  realize how hard this fight would be, so he sent a powerful wave which knocked you over, giving him room to do what seemed to be powering up? Purple lightning surged through  the water making a deadly combination of both hydro and electro, this must be his delusion, things could only get a lot harder from here.

he laughed a little as he unleashed his delusion on you, shocking you, it hurt a lot so you dived into your defense and attack food, lucky you came prepared, this gave you the boost you needed to carry on, the two of you landed hits when you had the chance, it was pretty much even, so this was when when you decided to pull out all the stops and preform an elemental burst, it was super effective, childe was on his last legs and victory was in your grasp.

"Wow.. Traveler, you can hold your own i must say, pretty good fight." you could tell he was in pain by the way he spoke, the purple delusion that surrounded him was no more and the fight had come to a close, you really did it, you defeated childe, the eleventh harbinger.

"I did tell you, no backing out, well? Think I have what it takes to take on the Tsaristsa?" You were hopeful your victory could be your way in, although you knew the  Tsaristsa would be so much more challenging. childe was a warm up in perspective of what the next week had in store.

"It was very impressive, what you did back there, but you must know that this was nothing, if your really looking to challenge the Tsaristsa, you have to be prepared." He almost spoke your thoughts, but you knew that even if it would be harder you were up for it.

"Even if it means death, i'll stop at nothing." 

"Well you certainly have the right mindset, lets get you to Snezhnaya then, shall we?" he glanced down at you as you both left the golden house, everything was going to plan, maybe you will become a harbinger after all.

[Thank you for voting on this book ahhh !! :DD

im really enjoying writing this so im super happy to know your enjoying reading it!

- 884 words-

-a/n over <3]

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