Ten feet off the ground.

10 1 0

You don’t know what everybody expects of you.

You really have no clue.

Every breath you take hurts more and more, the longer that you’re here.

Living is a big task to ask someone to do.

You can’t help but laugh or smile when something funny happens.

But it really doesn’t matter, because you’re crying in the end.

You’re so tired of living this hellish life, of everything that’s hurting you;

day by day the emotions swallow the unbroken pieces of your brain.

You’re trying so hard to make things right, and be a better person,

but it’s so damn hard when you don’t have a soul to trust.

Not even yourself.

You trust yourself the least.

So the day that you decide to take your own life,

you’re not surprised. 

Not at all.

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