Battle of Worcester

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"Please, sir, stay in Scotland," David Leslie, 1st Lord Newark, begged.

Charles II, the King, looked shocked and outraged at the Scots' commander.

Leslie explained himself, "Your majesty, we control Scotland. We are stronger here. We know who is at our side. Most important, we know Cromwell and the Parliamentarians aren't here. In England, we don't have the men nor know how big the enemy influence is."

"I'm the King!" Charles II shouted. "England is mine! Royalists are begging for me to come back! The Presbyterians will also march under my standard! England will be mine again! But only if I go to England, if I keep hiding here in Scotland, they'll think I don't care for England. Or that I prefer Scotland and the Scottish. Or worse, they'll believe I'm afraid of the traitors and usurpers. I need to go to London. I need to retake my palace and my place!"

Leslie sighed softly. He expected that reaction and knew he was fighting a lost battle. However, he needed to try again. Maybe, just maybe, the King would listen to him, "Your majesty, perhaps your support isn't that big. If it was, your father would still be alive and would still be King."

Charles II glared at Leslie. The commander kept talking.

"But most importantly, we don't know how much Cromwell and the Parliamentarians know. They may have eyes on all your supporters, and as soon you say the word, he'll attack and defeat your men. Hell, he could know everything you're planning and have a plan to defeat you. Again, sir, we control Scotland. We know everything that happens here. England is a mystery--"

"Enough!" the King yelled. "We'll go to England! We'll go to Worcester, and from there, we'll retake my country! You'll do as I say, and in the end, we'll be victorious because I'm the King. England is mine! Cromwell is just a usurper, the Parliamentarians are traitors, and they all have one thing in common, they're all stupid! I'm smarter than all of them combined because..." Charles II stopped just enough to breathe; he wanted to scream the last words as loud as he could, "I AM THE KING!"

David Leslie didn't even try to say anything. There was no way of dissuading the Kind. Also, Charles II hadn't finished barking his orders.

"And you'll do as I say, or I'll find someone to do it. You'll obey me because I AM THE KING!"

Leslie bowed with his right hand to the chest and left the room after saying, "As you wish, my King."

Charles II drunk a glass of wine. His throat was sore. He smiled, knowing that soon he'd be back in London.



The Battle of Worcester took place on 3 September 1651 at Worcester, England, and was the final battle of the English Civil War, which began in 1642. Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentary New Model Army, 28,000 strong, defeated King Charles II's 16,000 Royalists, of whom the vast majority were Scottish.

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