The General

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The General always was and always will be ruthless.

It attacks both enemies and allies alike; it makes no distinction.

However, his power is diminishing.

Throughout history, the General had few defeats but many wins. Its tactics never changed: starvation and cutting the supply lines.

The General is, at the same time, continually attacking and defending. If you don't pay attention, it'll harm you.

It will harm you even if you think you understand it and commands it. The General is loyal only to itself and to its country; no man can order it.

Napoleon's Grand Armeé and Hitler's Wehrmacht felt the General's rage and power.

The Romanov were also victims of the General, and to them, it must have been even more problematic because they thought the General was on their side.

However, as stated before, the General has no side. It's loyal only to itself and the country.

Today, everyone knows its power and tactics. Today, technology made it almost obsolete. But every year, it comes back to attack and to defend. Because it doesn't matter what happens, how far technology goes, General Winter will always be loyal to Russia.



Russian Winter, sometimes personified as "General Frost" or "General Winter," is an aspect of the climate of Russia that has contributed to the military failures of several invasions of Russia. Mud is a related contributing factor that impairs military maneuvering in Russia and elsewhere and is sometimes personified as "General Mud ."Russians call those muddy conditions rasputitsa, which occur with autumnal rains and spring thaws in Russia and make transport over unimproved roads difficult.

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