❁ [EULAMBER]- First Dance

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"Morning Eula!" Amber beams as she spots Eula from behind, running down the stairs of the headquarters straight to her side with a bright smile as always. Eula looks down to meet her eyes nonchalantly before responding although she didn't need confirmation as to who the person was. Some would say she always came down the stairs at this specific time with the knowledge Amber would exit her room shortly after. She would never admit it, but she enjoyed having Amber around.

"Good morning, Outrider."

"Aw, c'mon, Eula-- you know my name!" Amber pokes her with her elbow and a pout.

Eula chuckles teasingly, "Good morning, Amber."

"That's better! Oh, also I was wondering if-" As soon as she begins to speak to make her request, she's cut off by another ball of sunshine exiting what's commonly referred to as, 'solitary confinement.'

"Amber, Eula!"

"Klee!" Amber's face lights up as Klee dashes over to her, and the outrider picks her up, spinning her around before setting her down instantly when she spots Jean leaving the library with Lisa.

"Good morning everyone, I trust you all slept well?" Jean inhales deeply and wipes her eyes, teary from doing paperwork all night with the company of Lisa.
"Yep! Something tells me you didn't, though." Amber says with a hint of concern.

"I wonder what gave you that idea," Lisa pokes at Jean with a wink, "I'll take Jean to her room. Your assignments are on Jean's desk. Have fun, cuties. Klee dear, come with me."

"Got it! Well, Good luck today Eula!" Amber pats Eula's shoulder for encouragement and heads out to begin her tasks.

"You as well," Eula smiles and bids her farewell.

Later that day, Eula sinks into her bed, absolutely exhausted. She places her head in her hands and inhales deeply in an attempt to hide whatever emotions she's feeling in the moment from herself. On occasion, Eula does find herself wishing for someone to hold her hand, and comfort her as her mother once did during her childhood. It only happened once, of course-- but she found herself craving more of that affection. Most Mondsdadt folk hadn't taken very kindly to her despite her position as Captain of the Reconnaissance Company in the Knights.

Just today, she'd experienced terrible treatment from every commissioner she'd served today. Not a single, 'thank you,' escaped their lips-- just harsh glares and eyerolls, whispers from passers-by, saying things along the lines of, "She's only doing it for the money," or "She has to, otherwise Master Jean will have her head."

Everyone had been wary of her, and they still are, although she's been in the knights for quite some time now. All except one, that being Amber. She's never seemed to care what Eula's family is like. She only saw Eula for herself, something Eula could only hope the citizens of Mondsdadt could do too. The outrider begins to plague her thoughts.

Her honey-coloured eyes were almost as golden as her as her beaming personality, one that most thought contrasted greatly with Eula's. Amber always looked at Eula with a smile it seemed she reserved for only her-- or maybe that was just the bluenette's wistful thinking. She wasn't sure how a relationship with her would ever work out anyway. The fear of not knowing is what drives her to push her away, leaving their relationship stagnant. With that final though, Eula attempts to clear her head of the outrider and pushes her hair back

Suddenly, she hears a rap on her door and wipes her eyes quickly, hoping there are no tears-- and looks up.

"Come in. I shall have vengeance on whoever dares disrupt me at this hour."

"Vengeance, on me?" Amber giggles, pushing the door open and peeping inside.

"Oh, Outrider Amber. Do you need something?"

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