Chapter 5

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No pov
Three days had come and gone and now it was time to leave to a new island. "Are we ready to set sail?" Newgate called down to a distracted Kairi. She had been staring at the town any chance she could get. "Kairi." Newgate called to her and she jumped slightly, "Uh, yes sir?" "Are we ready to set sail?" He asked her again and she gave him an uncomfortable look. "I know you are worried about the young boy but if he doesn't want to join, he doesn't have to." Newgate walked over to Kairi and placed his hands on her shoulders. She refused to meet his eyes, "I know, but I can't help but worry about him." She turned out of his grasp and went to check on the sails. She didn't want to be around anyone at the moment.
Newgate gave a sigh and glanced over to the island, they couldn't make the boy come with them. Slowly the Moby began to back away from the island known as Haven and drift towards the open water.
Kairi tried to busy herself with the steering and ignore the guilt that was settling in her stomach. "What is our next destination?" Newgate walked over to join her at the wheel, "We will be on open water for a few weeks."
"HEY! WAIT FOR ME!" a voice shouted from behind the ship and they both turned around to see Marco racing towards the ship as fast as his legs could carry him. "So he has decided." Newgate chuckled as he walked down the stairs and hurried over to set the ramp out so Marco could board the ship. Luckily for him they were still in shallow water so getting on board was fairly easy.
Kairi hurried over and pulled Marco into a tight hug "Ah! You made it! I was so worried!" "I can't breathe!" Marco grumbled and Kairi let go of him, "Oh, sorry." "And don't think I joined to be apart of your crew, I'm just tired of that stupid island!"  He jerked his thumb back at the island behind them as he glared at both of them. Newgate just chuckled softly "Welcome aboard son." "Don't call me that, I'm not your son." Marco snipped. "Well, no matter what your reason is for getting on this ship, you will not go another step without taking a bath, young man." Kairi interjected, pointing down to where the bath was located on the Moby. He looked like he was getting ready to argue with her but sucked in his breath, "Yes ma'am." He groaned and slowly made his way to the bath.
Kairi waited until Marco was out of earshot before she excitedly grabbed Newgate's hands, jumping slightly "Can you believe it? We have another member!" "Yes, we do." Newgate smiled "Why don't we celebrate?" "That's a great idea!" Kairi giggled lightly and leaned up to kiss Newgate's cheek before hurrying off to the kitchen to start a feast for the three of them. Newgate stared after her retreating form and carefully touched his cheek in shock, memories from their drunken night resurfacing. Marco returned after his bath and walked into the kitchen, following the wonderful smell of food. He stood in the doorway, watching Kairi dancing throughout the kitchen with different types of foods being set down on the table. "What's this?" He mumbled softly and jumped as Newgate replied, "It's a celebration." "A celebration?" He tilted his head in confusion, "Is it someone's birthday?" "Well it is a celebration-" Newgate started when Kairi squealed "It's for you! A welcoming party for joining the crew!" Marco glared at her "I didn't join your crew. I am running away from that terrible island." He stated in a huff as he crossed his arms over his chest. "But is this food really for me?" Shock didn't even begin to describe how he felt. It was stirred something deep within his chest and he made a slight face at the feeling. What was it? Was it because of these two? Or maybe it was just because he was really hungry?
"Are you sure?" He glanced over at them with uncertainty. Kairi giggled softly "Yes, all of this is for you. Eat as much as you want!" Marco walked over to the table and sat down slowly. Newgate walked over and took a seat at the head of the table, popping open a bottle of sake and taking a swig as Kairi finished cooking.
After a few minutes of peaceful silence, Marco sat back in his seat, "So why are you on this ship?" He was looking at Kairi. She turned to him, "Just the first mate." She shrugged her shoulders. "No, I mean if you are on a ship you must be running from something, right?"  Marco shook his head before rewording his question. Kairi stiffened slightly, she grabbed her drink to cover her lips as she took a sip. What was she supposed to tell this boy? Yes? That she was trying to escape a horrible past? Kairi just gave him another shrug, as she set down her glass. "No, not really. Just really love the ocean." The lie slipped through her mouth with ease.

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