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Kili found you later, in one of the many common areas in Erebor, laughing maniacally at Bofur who was singing boisterously as you both danced arm in arm atop a table.

Had you been drinking? Possibly.

Was Kili’s shocked expression absolutely priceless? Definitely.

“Kili! Come, drink with us. We’re celebrating!” You said with a grin, gesturing vigorously with your tankard of whisky before downing the rest of it.

Yes, whisky.

Nori took the empty mug from your hands to fetch you a refill. Ah, bless his heart.

“Yes, brother, you must! Y/N and I are getting married!” Fili proclaimed dramatically, gracefully stepping atop the table and taking your hand, spinning you into him and dipping you dramatically. You laughed as Nori, Dori and Dwalin cheered enthusiastically.

Ah yes, Fili would do nicely. Granted, he didn’t make your stomach feel all funny or your knees weak but he was kind, honest and funny and seemed to be quite pleased with the idea. Besides, you were running out of time.

“Wait…you, brother?” Kili asked, his jaw clenching in a way you’d never seen before.

Why was Kili being such a serious, boring Dwarf today?

Fili twirled you out of your dip before leaning in to kiss your hand, his eyes staring directly into your own. Hmm, still no spark but he was lovely to look at.

“Y/N, I think it’s time you called it a night, don’t you?” Kili asked, walking to the edge of the table and looking up at you, as you laughed along with Fili to one of his many jokes.

You snorted, “No way! Why are you trying to kill my fun, Kee? Come on, join us!”

You outstretched your hand and he took it with a stern expression before wrapping his arms around your thighs, lifting you off the table and over his shoulder.

Kili! What in Mahal’s name are you doing? Put me down!” You punched at his back pathetically as the remaining Dwarves all burst into raucous laughter at the sight of you being carried away by Kili.

Personally you didn’t find it funny at all. You raised your head just long enough to see coins being exchanged between the Dwarves and Fili winking at you but none of them came to your rescue. Traitors!

“Kili, this is ridiculous! I demand you put me down this instant or I swear I will bite you!” You protested but Kili merely chuckled, “Sounds kinky, lovey. Shouldn’t we wait til we’re somewhere more private?”

There was that weird feeling in your stomach again. And in other places too. Lower places. You know, lady places. You growled in irritation at both yourself and Kili and began to accept your fate. Being carried away somewhere by a dashing Prince of Erebor wasn’t the worst thing that had ever happened to you.

You still didn’t understand why he was carrying you though. Or where he was taking you. You asked as much and he swatted your backside and responded, “Stop talking. We’re almost there.”

“Fine! You’re stupid and I hate you!” You retorted.

Yes, you were indeed an adult Dwarf. A rather intelligent one at that. This was definitely not your finest moment by any means.

“You are so very witty when you’re drunk.” Kili noted before he was gently placing you back on your feet.

Your eyes took quite some time to adjust to the darkness but when they did, your breath hitched as you looked up at the clear, starry sky above and realised you were in the main garden of Erebor.

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