Uhm sure...

531 8 9

Moony took some time to catch the two variations. During that time, you took it apon yourself to wash the dishes for them to save yourself the trouble of dealing with them deciding who would do it.

Moony set the two down while you left the kitchen. "So, Y/N has mentioned a very great decision of us going to the  park today. How are you feeling about that ena?"

"I suppose I should get outside.. I dont have anything else planned either... Ane, how about you?"

Ane stared at Ena blankly..

"I spend half my day crying in a closet and the other half sleep... does it look like I have plans?"

"Put the sass away sis. .  . Yeah sure park sounds nice"

You couldn't help but giggle slightly. These two...or three if you count ena and ane as seperate people,  were your friends now and you loved it. It reminded you of your friends back home, but more loyal...

"Great! Lets get ready then!" You exclaimed, your excitement was radiating so much you noticed even Ane managed to crack a smile.

You ran down the hall and went to go get changed, then ran back and started getting ready with the food. Ena and ane rejoined and started getting ready while moony kinda just waited.

Once everyone finished, you all left the house and let ena guide your way to the nearest park.

At the bottom of your stomach, you started to feel sick, but you didn't bring it up and kept moving. You noticed out the cornner of your eye, moony was looking at you, she could tell something was off but she stayed quiet.

"Almost there, I wonder how the sun will look this time" Ena stated, sounding hopeful. She was wearing a simple sun dress with floral print, it was flowing as she was speed walking ahead.

"Gosh, slow down,  you move so fast" moony complained.  Pushing herself forward to try and keep up.

You half sprinted to keep up, your stomach feeling like rampaging static, you suppressed the feeling and pushed on, you had introduced the idea, you didn't want to be the one to crash it...but this didn't feel right.   Why...?

Quite Peculiar (A Ena X Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now