Not goodbye, but see you later -Liam

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-sits in front of the camera-

Hullo everyone -waves halfheartedly- So I know it's only been less than a full 24 hours since I left....but I figured I would just say a final goodbye. I can't....I can't do this.....anymore. I've hurt and been hurting....too many people lately with my decisions.....I'm a danger to other people's emotions and health, I should this point not very many people want me around....the account can go on without me, and my boy............-looks down- my ex boyfriend now, I guess since I screwed everything up, can find someone who's worth his time.....and Niall can find a better friend than me. As for you, Jake.....I know you don't believe it, but you can and will find someone so much better than me, who isn't a fucked up mess, someone who can actually do something right. Someone worthy of your time, yanno? Same to you, Niall. And you too Niall. Now I.....I have one last piece of business to attend to -stares at nothing- I love you guys. Even though I'm shit at showing it, I love you all in different ways. So I guess this is goodbye. Well not goodbye, we'll call it see you later......later being a very long time, assuming you don't.....yeah. So see you all later. -waves and shuts off the camera-

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