The start of the trip

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katashi's Pov: 

It's almost the summer vacation time, our teacher told us that he's gonna arrange an summer camp for our class. We're all talking about it, most of our classmates such as Ichirou and Chie are complaining about having to take time from the vacation on school stuff. Kizana and Etsuko seem kind of excited for it. I looked around the class and saw Akane alone sitting on her own seat drawing something on a paper, she was always so lonely... She has so pretty Dark brown thick and long hair, she keeps her hair on twin tails but they still get on her way when she tilts her head down. Only if she had more confidence she would be really popular. I decided to check the weather and stared out of the window, it was gently raining but sunny at the same time. Our classroom was in the third floor and I could see a slight rainbow in the distance. Maybe that's a sign that everything will be fine.... Nah one of us is probably just fruity.  I decided to brush thought my thick brown hair and put it up on a ponytail, It's way too much on the other side but I really didn't really care. I checked my pocket mirror and stared into my hazel colored eyes and noticed my dark circles under my eyes, guess people can see that I haven't really gotten enough sleep. 

''ATTENTION CLASS!!'' Our teacher yelled and clapped his hands, he's quite serious sometimes but pretty chill from time to time. He's always wearing a blue blouse and some black skinny fit jeans, I guess that's his style huh. ''We're going to need get into pairs and  make notes on what do you want to do during the summer camp we'll be going next week.'' ''Oh can we choose our partners??'' Kizana asked that with pretty optimistic voice. I think it is very stupid to have pair jobs with our small class, there is only 9 of us, which also means one of us is guaranteed to be left alone and that someone is always Akane I feel so bad for her.. I guess I could be her partner for this but at the same time I know nothing about her, she has never had an proper introduction and she seems... weird. ''Yeah sure choose your partners and come to get some paper'' Everyone got up and already knew their partners without even talking to each other, I obviously was partnered with my bestfriend, she was a girl with a short blonde pixie cut and she always wore eyeliner. She also was rather tall, She's about 5.9 I think I myself am only 5.4 which gives her the privilege to bully me.

 She also plays volleyball and runs everyday, she's very athletic. She has silk smooth skin and her hair is so soft, I might have developed some feeling for her through out the years.. Unfortunately she has been taken ever since the first year of junior high and she's still with her current partner. That luckily doesn't bother me that much, her partners name is Jai and they're really pretty and we get along really well. They're funny and I trust them, they also do witchcraft just like my sister. they have long brown hair they always keep on a ponytail and they do the same kind of eyeliner as my bestie, perhaps that's the point. They're really cute together and play on a band. 

''So what do you want to write on this paper Katashi?'' She asked me with her high pitched voice while stabbing my face with the pen. ''I don't know, perhaps something like 'swimming in ponds' or 'bonfire vibing' whatever that is..'' ''phhft- Sure sure, guess we have no other ideas'' She said and let out a little chuckle, she had good handwriting like me unlike most of our classmates. After about 10minutes we had few things on the paper and our teacher told us to return the paper, I kind of hope that we don't do the stuff she put down on the paper. We don't have the same taste in using our time, since she's way more athletic and sporty than me I usually just get tired of most of the sports. I decided to reach for the water bottle in my back bag, that I have filled with coke but let's not tell that to the teacher now will we?

 I took a few sips and put it back, and sat back to my seat in the class, It's pretty much in the middle of the class right next to Kizana, when I checked on my left there was nothing but empty seats between me and the wall with windows. Our teacher started to tell us about some kind of historical places we could visit on the way to the camp, since it is about 7 hours away. I kind of dozed out and started thinking about camping in the woods, hours away from the closest villages and cities. I guess I shouldn't be thinking negatively and I should just be happy we get to have something like this. I guess I should just be thinking about the current, perhaps I should distract myself and could go eat something. Oh yeah.. I'm in class.. damnit, I need to wait fooor... 20MINUTES What the fuc-


Hiya Oreo here, I wrote this part so sorry if It's bad, next chapter will be written by Nik so stay tuned :D  Hope ya lovelies enjoyed.

Word count: 928 -Oreo

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