Part 11 ~ look at me

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Y/n POV:

I open my eyes slowly it was a bit blurry but when I blinked a few times to see and I was in a room the window was slightly open and the breeze hits my face....

It was bright and the sun was shining...

I look around and see that I was in a bed with a lot of cables and machine....

I smell the sheets and they where soft and they smelled new....

I look to my left and see flowers and a packet fool of cards...

I grab one of them slowly and read it...

Dear y/n, you are the love of my life and I love you so much and I care for you so much. I'm sorry that this happened to you is all my fault. Just know that I will always be here by your side is been 1 month sense the accident. I've felt alone with out you I start drinking again and smoking. I changed your sheets every week and get you new flowers.

Love, Aidan

After I look at the boy and say "so i am your girlfriend?" He nods and I say "your name is Aidan correct?" He nods again and I sigh....

I apologize "I'm sorry I don't remember." He hugs me and says "is fine darling it isn't your fault." We hear a knock on the door and doctors comes in and say "oh nice to know she's awake does she remember anything?" He shook his head...

I lay back in the bed and say "when can I go home?" Doctor says "in about 4 weeks we still have to do some surgery on your leg and stomach." I sigh again and nod...

I say "I'm hungry." Nurse says "oh your friend came just in time." I was confused...

Aidan says "oh my friend are here with snacks or food I'm guessing." I smile weakly and wait...

He stands up and slowly let's go of my hand...

He walks out and the nurse checked if everything is ok and writes it down on a clipboard....

After a few minutes Aidan and his friends come in with Chinese food...

I smile and say "food!" A girl laughs and says "I'm Tj." I nod and say "I'm y/n!" Another girl walks up to me and says "I'm Eden." We shake hands and we hug.....

We talk and eat for a while....

After about a few hours they leave and it was just me and Aidan....

He says "well umm I'll just sleep on the couch." I laugh and say "no, come up here with me." He smiles and gets in bed with me being careful with the cords....

He puts his hand around my waist and I put my hands around his and he kisses my forehead...

I look up at him and he look down at me....

I press my lips against his and he pulls me on top of him not caring about the cords anymore...

He pulls me against him and I feel him. I moan quietly and continue to kiss him....

He pulls my gown off and sits up so he could take off his shirt.

I start to grind on him slowly and he groans softly and kisses my neck. He starts to pull down my underwear slowly and I move with him...

He then started to pull down his pants and he puts him self inside of me...

I slowly move with him and we where soon both moaning messes.

Aidan covers my mouth and starts to go harder...

I hold on to his back and start to scratch it by accident. He was going harder then what I expected...

I try not to cum but I couldn't....

I could tell he couldn't too.

We both cum and we where both out of breath..

After I get off of him and lay down...

He lays back and grab my waist and says "we have to take a shower." While laughing..

I giggle and say "yea we should." I get up slowly and my leg start to shake not even knowing him I had sex with him...

I slowly walk to the bathroom and turn it on it was 1:07 am and I was getting in the shower...

I get in as soon as it warms up and take a shower...

After a few minutes I hear someone opening the door and I open the curtain and see Aidan he was smiling into the mirror while grabbing a towel....

I start to wash my hair and I close my eyes and put my hair under the water and wash it...

Then I feel hands around my waist and I was getting pulled and I was close to a warm body and then I feel soft lips on mine I didn't open my eye because I still had soap in my eyes...

After the long kiss they push me softly under the water so I could take out the rest of the shampoo out of it....

I open my eyes and I see Aidan....

I smile and he says "I love you." I reply "I love you too." After we take a shower together and we got out and dry ourself off...

He gives me his shirt with some underwear and and brushed my teeth....

I feel a sharp pain in my leg and on the side of my stomach...

I grab on to Aidan and start to wiper...

He asks "what's wrong princess?" I say "m-my leg..." he picks me up and the pain slowly went away he says "better?" I nod and smile weakly...

He brings me to bed and tucks me in. He puts on his clothes and cleans the room up...

Then gets in bed and he grabs me and cuddles with me...

I slowly start to fall asleep while my head was on his chest and his hands where around my waist....

Sorry for the miss spelling I'm at school so I tried typing this quickly... :))))))

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