Part2 ~ the party

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Y/n wasn't ready for the party and her friend called and asked if she was ready... is she??

Y/n POV: Kylee says "maybe isn't an answer    y/n, you ready or not?" I say "I will be down in a few" Klyee says "ok hurry" I get out of bed quickly and put the book down I get dressed quickly and run downstairs.....

Y/n POV: Kylee says "maybe isn't an answer    y/n, you ready or not?" I say "I will be down in a few" Klyee says "ok hurry" I get out of bed quickly and put the book down I get dressed quickly and run downstairs

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I grab my small bag and run out of the mansion quickly and lock the door and runs in the car...

Kylee says "took you long enough" I giggle and we go to the party...
Authors POV: the girls get to the party they see a whole bunch of people outside and in...
Y/n POV: As soon as I get out of the car Kylee's friend grab Kylee and drag her away so I went inside and see a whole bunch of people drunk or high....

I ignore everyone at the party and go to the kitchen to get something to drink that is not alcohol...

There was water so I get some and go to the living room and sit on the couch "might as well get comfortable" I put my legs on the table then someone trips over them I put my legs down then the person gets up I apologize and he had green eyes and shiny drown hair...

He says "don't worry about that" I could smell the alcohol in his breath from here I says "I'm truly sorry I didn't mean to-..."
Author POV: before y/n could finish her sentence all you hear is Aidan vomiting and he vomited all over y/n's shoes....
Y/n POV: I look at my shoes then look at the boy I take off my shoes and leave the shoes there and just left the party and walked home...
Aidan POV: I felt bad because I got vomit all over the girls shoes I didn't mean to it just came out of my mouth....

Hope you guys like this one...😌✨❤️🥺

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