Chapter 7 - Some Terrifying News

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The orange sun cast a strong fiery glow over the yellow Sandy landscape, since you were last with the camp they had moved to an abandoned plantation house deep within the swamps of Lemoyne. You had a room upstairs that you shared with Arthur, as he wouldn't let you out of his sight anymore, anywhere you went, he went and anywhere he went you tagged along too. The pair of you were inseparable, running Dutch's errands together, hunting together and shopping for supplies together. It had been a month since the incident with the poisoned laudanum and you still didn't feel your best, you spent the most part of the morning being sick and shaking, Arthur was growing increasingly concerned about you and rarely let you do anything on your own.

"I think you need to go see the Doc in Saint Denis." Arthur said moving a strand of (h/c) hair from your face and holding it all behind you as you threw up into a bucket. You wiped your mouth with a rag and turned to him,

"I'm fine, it's not the poison, I'm just sickly." You assured.

"I'm taking you to see the doctor and that's the end of it." Arthur concluded.

Before you could argue back your head was back in the bucket and you were retching up your insides.

"Shh it's okay, you'll be okay." Arthur said rubbing small circles on your back, "It's probably just something you ate."

You shook your head and began to talk, but all you could do was vomit up your words literally.

A sudden rhythmic knock came on the door, and Abigail walked in holding a jug of water and a glass,

"I brought this for (y/n)." She handed the jug to Arthur, "How's she doing?"

Arthur shook his head, "We're gonna take a trip to the doc." He explained.

"Probably for the best." Abigale agreed.

"I'm fine! Really I am." You tried your best to convince them both as you threw your guts up into a bucket.

"Yeah definitely seems it." Arthur said sarcastically as he patted your back to help you cough out vomit.

Once you had stopped vomiting the midday sun sat high in the centre of the sky, casting no shadows on the vegetation below. Arthur had helped you out to your horse, which he ordered Charles to bring back from the town, you sat draped over your horse suppressing the urge to throw up as you and Arthur rode into Saint Denis. The bridge into Saint Denis was a long stretch of metal with iron decorated fences on each side of it, you'd never been here before and you were not disappointed by it. Buildings stood side by side and on top of one another varying in colour and design, a lot of them had balconies with an abundance of plants on them. As you and Arthur trotted your horses down the cobbled streets you saw people dressed in finery, men wearing suits, ties and top hats and women in beautiful lace dresses with umbrellas to match. You hitched your horses outside a building with a large sign on it,

"DOCTOR" It read in black painted letters. Arthur helped you down off your horse and steadied you as you went through the door.

Inside was dark and oak shelves lined the walls, on the shelves were tonnes of small glass bottles with different printed labels on them, a man stood behind the counter next to the black cash register. He wore all white and had short black hair, as you approached him his grey eyes widened at your pale and sallow appearance.

"Come into the back and let's get you checked over." He said with urgency as he opened a red door to a back room.

You followed the doctor into the back room and sat down in a red leather armchair. He asked you what your symptoms were and how you'd been feeling lately. Arthur informed him about the belladonna incident and the doctor scribbled down some notes into his pad of paper.

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