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"After the hedgerow, they say 'fairy wings will guide your way,'" Elina explained as she, Bibble, and the Equestria Girls navigated an area with giant blue flowers. 

"Kinda ironic," Rainbow Dash said, and Sunset started snickering. 

"But I don't see any fairies anywhere," Twilight pushed her glasses up her nose. "You sure they said fairy wings?"

"Yeah," Pinkie said while reading the Barbie: Fairytopia script. "Enter obnoxious puffball, and... oh, wait, that's too early. Darn it, I knew I should've watched this movie more like how I always watched the sequels!"

(A/N: I actually did watch the sequels more than the original movie, so it shocked me when I watched it the other day and I had forgotten that Elina gets BRAINWASHED in front of the guardians)

Elina didn't seem to listen as she started jumping from flower to flower. 

"Nice one!" Applejack started jumping the flowers with her. 

"Yeah! Let's go!" Rainbow Dash did a flip and did a back walkover a flower. Sunset and Twilight found themselves giggling as they started going across the flowers as well. 

"That seems dangerous," Fluttershy whimpered as she slid off of a petal. 

"More like dangerous to the shoes," Rarity whined as she and Pinkie started going across as well, Pinkie jumping for joy.

Only after they had all been going across the flowers for a little while, they realized they were lost. 

"Where even are we?" Twilight asked as Pinkie jumped in front of her. 

"I'm not sure," Elina replied as Bibble flew over... 

To a pair of fairy wings. 

"That's what I was talking about earlier," Pinkie shrugged.

"'Let the fairy wings be your guide,'" Elina recalled. "Let's go!"

Soon, the girls found themselves crawling through a flower, spotting a building. 

"Azura's just in there!" Elina said as they jumped off the flower and walked up to the building. "We just have to let her know what's been going on."

They slowly approached what looked like a cross between an elf and a fairy (Pinkie said his name was Quill). 

"Um, excuse me?" Elina asked nervously. "We're here to see Azura and--"

"No one's coming to see Azura!" Quill barked, causing all the girls to jump. "In fact, she ain't even here. So I suggest you move along!"

"But we need to--" Elina said. 

"I said move along!" Quill shouted as another fairy flew up to him. 

"Welp, there went our only hope," Applejack sighed. "How are we supposed to see Azura now?"

"Larkspur!" Quill told the fairy. "Ruby and Amethyst have been taken. It is vital that you fly to Azura and bring her the news immediately."

"Yes, sir," Larkspur started flying away. 

"Or has it?" Rainbow Dash smirked at Applejack. 

"As for you nine... huh?" Quill turned back to Elina and the Equestria Girls and Bibble, only they were gone. 

"We can't lose him," Elina told the girls as they secretly chased Larkspur. "He's the only one who can take us to Azura."

"Woah, woah, AH!" Rainbow Dash screamed, and they turned and saw her dangling on the stamen of a flower, the petals blooming out like a parachute. 

The Barbie Adventure V: Barbie FairytopiaWhere stories live. Discover now